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  1. It might be an idea to consider dropping the complete engine splash guard/undertray with it still attached to the front bumper if this could be done then you could separate the front off the car with plenty of room. Where are you located? I am away till January the 25th but available from then on
  2. Can any member tell me the size of the two nuts that hold the rear lamps in position. I need to remove mine to try and fix the parking aid, but have a real limited tool kit in the UK and nothing to fit these, they look typically like off mark size left over from the Lucas days.
  3. I have limited resources to check it out, so will try and find a local garage. It almost sounds like the tire is rubbing slightly on full lock
  4. Over a period of time, the upper part of the door/window surround can bend slightly causing wind noise. Tape the door up with easy peel masking tape climb in through the passengers door and take it for a spin, or try pulling/pushing the upper door frame in with a finger while driving sometimes there is just enough give to cause a noise. The trick is (if it needs it) is some blankets and a 4x2 piece of wood pass through the open window to east the upper frame back slightly, easy on a ford tricky on a jag done correctly doors will be super silent
  5. If I am hard on left lock, I get a dull clicking sound not unlike a drive shaft beginning to fail, only on full left hand lock...any ideas? seems to be in direct relationship to wheel speed 2005 s-type 2.7D
  6. is it possible to replace the outer front parking assist sensors without removing the front bumper or just partly removing it. I don't have the facilities to remove the bumper and was hoping for a miracle I suppose I could give the wife the keys...
  7. Its strange that you have front and rear sensors but no overhead button, are you sure you have the genuine jag kit, could be third party. On mine I found that failure was due to wet road conditions/car wash, moisture gets into them. They worked fine after the car had been stored for 3 months in the dry till I used it in the rain. In theory providing they are all clicking they should work so try the clicking hearing test. I understand the outside rears can be replaced by removing the rear lights the inner rears require bumper removed. I am still trying to find out if the fronts can be accessed without removing the front bumper nobody seems to be able to answer that question.
  8. the best way to test the sensors is with a mechanics stethoscope about 5 ponds on ebay, if the sensors are all working you will here a distinct rapid clocking noise from each one when forward or reverse is sected. On my 2005 2.7 I have a duel module in the boot that has plugs for front and back. In my case the red overhead warning light is on, I have a single front sensor not working, but the rears click but do not work, I am trying to find out... If one front sensor will knock the whole system out (front and rear) if you can change out the front outside sensors without removing the front bumper. If you live in kent we could meet up and try to sort them out. I have a spare loom and can test sensors by plugging into my car Stan stan
  9. I have done it and with very limited space and tools (head light repair) , and would say is pretty easy. why are you removing the bumper? where do you live? I need to remove mine, maybe we could do it together? a friend helped me.
  10. I will second that, slightly corroded is a long way from being dangerous, I would get under there with a wire brush and a spray can of under seal
  11. Any breakers near you, would be worth a look, even if damaged you are a brave man to attempt without a guide. Those cover caps are a snug fit, and the little flexible connector that keeps them in place break easily. Where are you located
  12. Just standing behind the vehicle won't be close enough to here them working, you have to put your ear on each one to hear a rapid clicking noise if they are working, better still get one of those cheap mechanic stethoscope and listen to each one.
  13. You can buy just the blade inserts (just the rubber bit) around a fiver a pair they slide right in, I use them on all my vehicles.
  14. Try resetting the system by disconnecting a battery lead for a few minutes Make sure you have the radio code written down before you do as you will need it afterwards. That's all I cam suggest
  15. I will be laying up my S-type for three months, while I go on vacation, in the past I have left a trickle charger on her. But now there is no electric where parked. I have three options Leave it as is, disconnect the battery remove the battery and take to my apartment to trickle charge. what would you suggest. I do have breakdown coverage with home start.
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