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Everything posted by Wrinkly

  1. Is that a new form of lubricant ??????????????????? Cheers, John
  2. Absolutely good advice, or you will be chasing the fault and probably/possibly spending unnecessary money, Best Wishes and Regards, John
  3. Many listings on Internet, Ebay etc., etc,. Depends on what quality of job you want done. If you are fussy like me then I would not recommend doing a DIY job. Email various advertisers and ask for Photos, so as you can review their work. Good Luck and Best Wishes , John
  4. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/264730605761?var=0&mkevt=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=710-53481-19255-0&campid=5338268676&toolid=10044&_trkparms=ispr=1&amdata=enc:18mVRCV10RUOedYjRvErOhQ79&customid=EAIaIQobChMI-PXFyNS8-gIVC-vtCh2rQgl7EAQYAiABEgLKFPD_BwE Loads more on Ebay, but this appears to be one of the cheapest. Regards, John
  5. Wrinkly


    Victor Sorry to hear about the problems with buying a car. You do not actually state that you bought the cat from a retail dealer, but It is a reasonable assumption that you did. Be careful if you did not and bought it privately, as different laws apply. Also even if bought from a dealer, please be certain that you did not agree to any disclaimers, rules, etc etc, imposed by the seller in writing. Many dealers do actually supply "Trade Deal " cars, which may be applicable to constrained rules, etc, etc. If bought from a retail dealer, then as previously quoted, "Get it back to the dealer/seller asap and insist that it is put right or your money is refunded in full. Good Luck and Best Wishes, Regards, John
  6. Jason Great cars and great times. I am now 72 years and enjoy a more comfortable and slightly slower way of life and travel. Best Wishes and Regards, John
  7. Jason You can always email Heritage Jaguar for this sort of information. They have all old files and will search to a criteria you request. I have used them and it works fairly quickly and is very informative. It will obviously cost you, but the information will be correct. Best Wishes and Regards, John
  8. UPDATE: Problem solved and repaired. Rear o/s wheel speed sensor. Small cheap part .... caused big problem. Regards, John
  9. Frank, I am just a mere child at 72 years !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Regards John Pure
  10. Tom Re-set document here: Regards, John
  11. Does car have regular oil and filter changes? Regards, John
  12. Mint (produced by Foxes Sweets)
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