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Lincoln Neil

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  1. I am having trouble with my 2003 XJ8 (x350) 4.2 SE. I had an intermittent problem where, occasionally, the steering column lock did not activate when the key was removed. This resulted in being unable to start the car again with a "Steering Column Locked" warning on the display. I found that by inserting and removing the key a few times, I could get the lock to engage then it would disengage when the key went in and all was well. Recently this fault got worse and ended up with the lock engaged and refusing to disengage at all. I concluded that either the locking mechanism itself or the Steering Column Lock Module within it had failed so I obtained a second -hand replacement and installed it. Unfortunately, although the column lock engaged when I first tried it, it still refuses to disengage. Is there some sort of configuration needed for the replacement lock module - and, if so, how do I find out what is needed? Is there a possibility that something has locked out and now needs resetting? Some help would be much appreciated - the car is stuck on my driveway!!!
  2. Hi All I have a 2003 x350 (XJ8 4.2 SE). I have a worsening intermittent problem with the steering column locking device either not engaging when the ignition key is removed or, recently, not releasing when the key is inserted. I don't think there is a problem with the keys (the using a different key doesn't fix it) and I don't think its the key transponder reader in the lock as all sorts of other stuff sarts working when the key is inserted and stops when it is removed - such as the driver's seat moving from the easy-access position to the driving position and back again. does anyone have any ideas? Thanks
  3. The boot Latch on my 2003 XJ8 4.2 has failed and now I can only get in using the mechanical key. I am trying to source a replacement part (C2C 4170) - preferably 2nd hand - with no success. Does anyone know of a possible UK supplier who may have one? Thanks.
  4. Hi All Just joined up! I have a 2003 x350 XJ8 4.2 SE in Grey with Pale Grey Leather. Bought it in April for next to nothing due to a damaged front left wing (now replaced) It has a few minor issues to sort out so thought I'd join the conversation and see if I can get some pointers.
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