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  1. Had the alternator replaced and got about 4 miles away from the garage and the battery not charging message came on again. It was showing 13.48v with the engine running so it was charging but still not right. Took it back to the garage and they replaced the alternator again. 11 miles home with lights, air con radio all on and now seems to be ok. Battery now show about 14.8v with the engine running and finally no warning message. Got the battery on charge now to ensure it’s fully charged before I’m off to Edinburgh on Boxing Day. Thanks to Jagman in Wigan for sorting it out at short notice when they were already busy.
  2. I took it to Jagman in Wigan yesterday which is 11 miles away and I got there with no problems. I’ve left it there and they will have a look at it for me. Hopefully they can fix it before Christmas as I’m supposed to be off to Edinburgh on Boxing Day.
  3. I thought it would end up being the more expensive option. The garage is about 11 miles away, do you think it would make it there before the battery dies?
  4. Hi, Got the message a couple of days ago so charged the battery with a Ctek charger and it fully charged the battery over 24 hours. Tried the car again and the message didn’t clear. I connected a multimeter across the battery terminals and it read just over 12v, started the car and it dropped to 10.98 and then when back to just over 12v. As the load increased by switching on lights, heated windows, heater etc.. it dropped to 11v and occasionally into the late 10’s. Turning lights etc.. off and it went back to just over 12v. At no point did the volts rise into 13v or 14v so does this indicate that the alternator is no longer working? I was just going to replace the battery but having tested the volts I’m thinking it’s the alternator. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  5. Just replaced the pump on mine and all seems to be working now.
  6. I’m having this problem too. Ignition on and they work, start the engine and they might work once or twice and then stop. Turn the engine off and then switch ignition on and they work again. Very strange.
  7. Yes, labour and VAT included.
  8. Just collected my car from Jag Man in Wigan after a service and belts changed. Everything seems fine and they did everything I asked them to do. Can’t grumble and would recommend them, they do seem to be busy.
  9. These are the costs B service (£230) Cambelt (£504) Rear belt (£120) Water pump (£85)
  10. I’ve got mine booked in next week at Jagman in Wigan for cambelt change. Reviews seem to be good so hopefully all will be o.k.
  11. These are the prices quoted and their reply A service £160.00 B service £230.00 Cambelt £504.00 Water pump if required £85.00 and rear belt will be an extra £120.00 both jobs not really needed
  12. My XF is due it’s 10 year service soon so I contacted a local Jaguar independent garage for a quote. I’ve asked for the cam belt, fuel pump belt, tensioners and water pump to be changed. They have replied with prices but have advised that the rear fuel pump belt and water pump don’t really need to be done. Should I have them done anyway or leave them? The car has done nearly 80k and only does about 6k a year, it’s a 3.0D. Any advice? Thanks.
  13. A few ideas in this pistonheads thread to try https://www.pistonheads.com/gassing/topic.asp?h=0&f=235&t=1919722
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