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Everything posted by MacSTR

  1. Have been with Volvo S60 T6 Polestar 325bhp and in May 2016 it will be time for a change. My previous Jag's have been a 2005 STR and a 2007 STR both gave great service but my Partner hated the uncomfortable seats. I am hoping that the seats in a 2008/09 XKR are better. I am looking for any advice that is available on what to look for on the XKR. I understand the 2007/08 is an all aluminium body shell. My budget is approximately £25k but with low mileage. As I only cover about 5k miles a year not concerned about mpg. I would also be looking for a full warranty. It has to be black. (the best colour in my opinion for an XKR) All help and advice fully appreciated
  2. I enjoy chatting with other Jaguar owners and believe that a Forum provides that opportunity. My conversations are not just about Jaguars, my conversations varies depending on the mode I am in at the time. But still I am discussing various topics with fellow Jaguar owners.
  3. Yes PH is one other forum for cars that covers all types and makes. It does have a section for Jaguars which is very active and worth a visit.
  4. As been discussed before the date of my last post was 30-9-12. It is now 18-10-12. 18 days and no response. Must remember to post more interesting posts.
  5. Over the past months I have viewed many car related forums and unfortunately most are suffering with lack of posts. Some forums are so strictly moderated that they are very near closing. I am a member of the JDC forum and have given up posting as the moderation is so heavy that posts are not even posted. It does appear that forums that have a general conversation area without reference to vehicles seems to attract more posts. One car forum that I subscribe to has members that take great pleasure in correcting spelling and grammer of members, goes down like a ton of smelly stuuf with many. Piston Heads Forum section seems to be active on Jaguars. Sign of the times due to the economic situation which aint getting any better folks!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Google Jaguar phone connections and see what phones can be connected to the Jaguar system. My STR is a 2007 which is compatible with an i-phone 4 but not the i-phone 4S Jaguar say that if you connect a non compatable phone to the system it can lock the system. Not my words but Jaguars. My i-phone is a 4S thats why I use a Parrot. FM transmitter units have always been cr@p but I suppose it depends on the quality of sound that you are prepared to put up with.
  7. You should see how Chrome effects AutoCAD and 3D Studio. Try and remove Chrome and see what it does to Office 2010. Firefox and Safari are OK for a bit but they can be become very unstable after a while.
  8. Can some kind person who knows tell me about the history of this forum, when it started, who owns it, how many members. Is there a relationship with any other forum. How was permission obtained to call the forum Jagaur Owners Club. I understand there are many Jaguar forums of various discriptions. I beleive their is on calling itself UK no1 Jaguar forum. I am a member of the following: Jaguar World. JEC and Forum. JDC and Forum. Jaguar.com. During 2007 I researched if there was a Jaguar Owners Club. I found that there was not so I decided to enquire about setting one up but was told by Jaguar that I could not use the name Jaguar Owners Club and if I did they would take legal action. I gave up. I have always felt that it seems stupid to have have two organisations JEC and JDC pity they can't combine into one, but of course they are both commercial businesses and run for a profit. Who knows one day they may combine if the general lack of support continues to car clubs and their forums. Sign of the times unfortunately. Who would have thought we would be paying over £6 a gallon, forecast £10 a gallon by 2015. Must take a valium :ph34r: :ph34r:
  9. My 2ps worth as a pensioner still working at 70 on my second STR I have found that most of the Insurance companies that offer their services to various forums and this is obviously not the only one have never been any help to me. The last quotations Footman provided for me was £550 full ncb comp 2 drivers and business use. I use Aviva my yearly premium is £275 full cover 2 named drivers up to 5k per year. I think it is great that these companies do support various forums I assume they contribute with advertising revenue otherwise there would be no point in having them on.
  10. is this a wind up just spotted.
  11. I think its a great idea that more of you convert to LPG. :unsure: As the price of LPG is rising faster than petrol, the more user the more tax HMG takes the less tax will be taken on petrol. So all in all a cynical bstard like myself thinks it is good that you will get rid of the boot space for a big tank. I remember Dads army when they kad a gas baloon on the van roof. :D :D :D :D :D
  12. 2007 STR Motorway average 29.5 Local 19.5 Footdown Flat 13
  13. Unfortunately the non return with a thanks is very typical of some people and happens in a lot of other forums. A bit similar to the idiots who buy on eBay and then do not pay for the goods, Thats the same mentality. The forum is better off without these sort of PLEBS.
  14. Have not been on for a while. All seems to be working OK now. As its all a matter of opinion, nothing wrong with Widows 7 or IE9. Mac is cr@p with AutoCAD but obviously OK with graphics. I also use i-phone 4S with a Parrot Mki9200 in the STR 2007 as the Jaguar bluetooth system is rubbish with an iphone 4S but the software is OK with the 3GS and the 4.
  15. Why can,t I access the Gallery. Is there a problem.
  16. Unfortunately the radio transmitters never work very well, hense the reason why they are so cheap, they can,t give them away. Don,t waste your time. Get a Parrot Mki9200 for your Jag it does everthing that your Jag can,t do as the Jag bluetooth setup is rubbish.
  17. Content of the forum is very good but the stability of the software needs a tad more tweeking or could it be an old pension like me who is not used to this advanced techknology. Using Windows 7 Loads of ram top of the range graphic card need that for AutoCAD. Fibre Optic connection 85 mbs download speeds. But keeps loosing the web page . Also using Internet Exlorer 9. Is there a reason why I am having these problems. Other than that great forum.
  18. This is just my opinion which may or may not be worth paying any attention too. Don,t bother as they are illegal in our Country, check it out, they were fitted to S Types for export. This debate has taken many hours of forum time on other forums. Should the law be interested in a fitted leaper is a very interesting point but thats not the problem if you are involved in an RTA and an insurance investigator inspects your damaged vehicle a leaper is not type approved and also needed to be notified as a modification and if you have failed to do so you have problems. Again in my opinion the leaper does not look right on the S Type, but not everybody,s opinion is not the same thank god.
  19. Go to Google and do a search for the manual you want or try eBay. Google is your best bet.
  20. SHMBO hates her seat and has to use an orthopedic cusion. Her continual complaining about the Jag seats. Never complained about Volvo or Mercedes seats. Some ladies do have rear problems.
  21. They may work but the quality is very poor just not worth the money most people I know who have tried them including myself put them back in the packet after one use I have two.
  22. The S Type R production figures figures were given to me by Jaguar. Hear is the information: For those of you who drive S-Type R,s the production figures are as follows:- 1999 - 2001 3 were produced 2002 - 520 were produced 2003 - 205 were produced 2004 - 107 were produced 2005 - 163 were produced 2006 - 147 were produced 2007 - 129 were produced Total of 1274 S-Type R,s have been produced for the UK Market Total number of S Type,s produced 295000. I do not have the export figures. I thought some of us forum members who drive the STR, may be interested in these figures
  23. Hi to all picking up my 2007 second STR next week. Been away from Jaguar for 3 years Volvo's and Mercedes. It great to be back. Soon.
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