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  1. I use a brand many do not even know of and i found out about them when my 911 turbo needed new but they never had Michelins in stock. I now use VREDESTEINs on all of my cars. The specs are better than Jag figment and lower road noise as a bonus, breaking is better and much better when wet plus much cheaper but some are cottoning on to the brand so buy while you can. I cannot recommend them highly enough and a price saving plus they last longer to, handling in great and they stick like glue give them a try and tell me I’m wrong Jaguar XF S remapped by DMS AUTOMOTIVE to 355bhp & 90 NM EXTRA OF TORQUE
  2. I use millers oil and i have found i get better mileage , i never though oil could make a difference to fuel consumption. It also has very low ash specification. This is my 2nd jag but, because its diesel I’m worried about the dreaded DPF as everyone, plus their dogs, keep telling me it will get blocked and cost in the region of a thousand pounds or more. I found a substance called revive and you basically spray it into the air intake with car cold. The black crap that came out was incredible. It’s meant to clean the turbos but it also works on the DPF as a bonus. I now use this twice a year, regardless and, with oil being reasonably cheap if you go on ebay or opie oils, they don’t just do oil either (quick web search finds them) you can get Mobil one at 1/3 price of car parts stores, i change oil every 5k miles but i drive only around 3-4 per year so i change yearly. I have never liked Castrol and had problems in every car i used it in. Millers or gulf oil is superb and great specifications too. Well worth trying if , like me, you don’t like being told what to use. Millers has been superb in all of my cars and especially the performance cars. I cannot recommend the revive spray highly enough. It’s around 60 pounds a but you can find it cheaper on ebay and , as long as you have someone to keep the throttle at certain revs for the first 500 ml then at different and higher revs for the last 500ml then you can do it yourself. Jaguar XF S REMAPPED BY DMS AUTOMOTIVE to 355 bhp and around 90Nm torque higher. The remap makes is it use more fuel if you use the loud pedal but it also makes it use less in town. What a superb car this is. I had an older XJ around 1998 and vowed to never buy jaguar again but this is a beauty
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