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Posts posted by GolfyG

  1. On 7/29/2022 at 7:14 PM, SomeWearyOldGuy said:


    As I've posted previously, I'm looking at getting a pre-facelift Jaguar XF and, after much hemming and hawing, I've narrowed the choice down to a V6 or a V6 S.  I confess that I prefer the idea of the extra S horsepower, but expect that might come with some drawbacks (eg, slightly worse mpg and engine/turbo wear).

    However, I can't find much on the web about the differences from a long-term perspective and, to my surprise, the official and reported mpg aren't too dissimilar between the two models.

    I'm looking to run my choice of XF for at least 3 years and 15-20 thousand miles, over an  urban/hilly country/motorway mix.  I'd be grateful for any opinions on which model would be better and the plus/minus side of the respective cars.

    Many Thanks

    Hi, I can only comment on the facelift S, I am on my second. I just love them, good MPG I'm showing low 40's on the trip, but rarely drive in sports mode. Bags of power, so much I decided against the map I had looked up before buying second S. My favourite thing is the 8 speed box, it's so smooth. Personally if driven by cost, I would plump for a higher mileage facelift S as long as it has had the belts done. They look way better IMO and think they got the 8 speed rather than six speed box. Hope this helps. 

    • Like 1
  2. On 5/25/2022 at 11:20 AM, Steve At the seaside said:

    Thanks Golfy!,

    I had thediff filled with oil & still noisy whining, was yours making a noise or how did you know you had a problem?

    I too have had arm & leg quotes to right rebuild the diff or to put swap it for a reconditioned one.

    What did Aa man do to fix it?

    Thought I could hear a noise, so got it up on a ramp, the casing was wet. Then drips on the monoblocks. The noise turned out to be the new Dunlops, which are way noisier than the cheap rubbish that was on it when I got the car. It's freaky as at 90mph under load it changes drone. Was sure it was the diff, but was wrong. At least no dripping on mono blocks now.

    • Like 1
  3. I had a main Pinion leak from my diff (2014) 3.0 XFs. You maybe saw on here. Got it fixed quickly as the Oil is so thin, doesn't take much for it to run dry, also only holds a litre. Stealer wanted arm and both legs to fix but got lucky with a friendly AA man. Good luck.  

  4. Hey folks, I am looking to get the front bumper removed filled and painted and wondered what kind of cost you would expect for this? 

    The filling is the two sets of screw holes that can be seen on either side of my short number plate (Why doesn't everyone just stick their plates on these days), other than that it's just the usual stone rash.

    Was quoted £690+vat which I thought was a bit on the stiff side to say the least. What do you think????? 



  5. With 57.95p per litre Fuel Duty. Is it not time Boris said ok folks time to dial this back a bit while we have supply issues and the Oil price is through the roof??? Then bringing it back after/if we all survive this war? But no but we are getting kicked in the stones by the Oil price and then when we are rolling about on the ground, Boris kicks us again. I'm sure Labour would be no different though. Reduce the red tape on opening wells in the North Sea and we would soon all be in a better place (apart from the greens obvs). 

    • Like 1
  6. Last of the older model, you maybe seen my post. Jag wanter over £1200+vat to replace my Diff Pinions Seal last month. Instead I bough the Oil and seal from them, they even gave me 20% trade discount and a friend who is an AA mechanic (also has a wheel free lift in his garage) he did it in three hours and asked for £60. I gave him £150.

    Now on the noise, if it is from the diff I would assume it's junked already. In my case it was paranoia once I was aware I had a leaking diff, I was hearing all sorts (not saying you are paranoid), thing is, the diff only holds one litre and it is like a fully synthetic Oil, not like the old thick stuff. When he dropped my Oil there was 850ml, so only lost 150ml over time but the casing was very wet and occasionally there would be a mark on my mono blocks.  

    I would advise finding a back street garage with an older mechanic that will take on the job, and get the seal changed. Worth £300 say, to work out if it's junk which I would be surprised if it was. Jag would have quoted for a diff not and seal change if they felt the diff was junked surely???? Anyway good luck, I feel your pain. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Tomato said:

    I love the ITR colour on mine.

    Check the window is fully up and then check all your seals around the window and the strip along the bottom. Is it only at certain speeds or any building up the wind noise?

    Not seen the window noise issue before I dont think on the XF

    Thats the problem, everything seems tip top. Wind noise is worse that the wifes Mini cooper and that is bad. 

  8. So I'm still loving my return to Jag.

    Decided against getting the Stealers to replace my diff pinion seal as they wanted over £1200+vat to do the job. But my friendly AA man Bob did the job for me and replaced the rear disks at the same time at a price that was very reasonable indeed. So the car is running great again and not marking the driveway. 

    However it's got me focussing on other things and in particular the wind noise from the front doors/windows. I write it this way as it's quite loud but hard to determine if it's window or door related. Is there a known problem with this, obvious fix or check???

    Also turned out the noise I felt was diff related turned out to be tyre noise from my new Dunlops. To prove the point AA man Bob chucked on other rims to demo. Was odd how it only appeared at 85-90mph under load with Dunlops.

    Any help with the wind noise from the front door area would be appreciated.


  9. 23 hours ago, Mark Nicholson said:

    Reporting back on this, now I’ve had it fixed. It was the driver’s door locking unit, which is complete unit to swap out. It also controls the wing mirrors, which didn’t previously retract. I’m pleased to report that the independent specialist (more like total Jag enthusiast) charged £289, nowhere near the feared £500.

    Well done! I attached my invoice just incase any thought I was fibbing. 

    Jaguar Edinburgh East copy.pdf

  10. On 1/29/2022 at 3:42 PM, Tomato said:

    Wow 500 is steep, bet it not that hard to change unless it needs some form of programming. 

    Watched the You Tube video of the guy changing the drivers door lock and thought noooooooooo. Sadly on east coast of scotland so no specialists near by, hence booked in the the stealers. 


  11. So I got the car back (2014 XFs) back from the Dealers on Wed after fitting a new drivers door lock. On Sat my blind spot monitoring stops working, might not be related but seems odd same door. Now I have solid orange light and warning on dash saying it's faulty. When I clear the message the light stays illuminated in the mirror. Any easy checks to be done or does she need to go back to the dealers?????  


  12. On 1/22/2022 at 4:19 PM, Mark Nicholson said:

    Hi everyone,

    I'm a new member having just bought an XF Sportbrake (13 reg).  The first Jag after many years of Beemer ownership.  Love the car so far but I am slightly baffled by the keyless locking.  I've read the manual, googled and browsed stories here, but still not clear.  I lock the car, sometimes pressing the lock button on the remote twice and hear the bleep a few seconds later.  When I conceal the remote some distance away (much more than a metre), I can still open the doors.  The alarm goes off, but being able to open the doors is not sufficient security - contents could be stolen, if not the car.  When I lock the doors and the keyless remote is nowhere near, I don't expect to be able to pull open the doors!

    Have I got something wrong in the locking process (I don't think I have)?  Is this a known "feature"?!  Or a known problem?  I'd be grateful for advice, to avoid the need to go to a main dealer.  Many thanks


    Hamble, Hampshire

    Mark, sounds similar to what I have just gone through. Lock with the key and doors lock but got the double bleep. Turns out the drivers door was not locking, the rest were. Mirrors would not close either. End result was a new drivers door lock this week from the dealer at a cost of over £500. Now everything works as it should. Single Bleep when locking. Press twice for deadlocks (think that was a Ford thing). Hope you can avoid a bill. 


    • Thanks 1
  13. So the XF is in the stealers today getting a new drivers door lock fitted £514 (ouch) and they have confirmed other works required are as expected Rear Diff Main pinion Oil seal, they wanted £1247 to replace, so thought Noooooooo. I have a guy I used for years (works for AA) and is up for doing the job. Where would your recommend buying parts if not from the dealers, think I might renew rear disks at the same time. Any help appreciated. 

  14. So had the XFs in getting the rear diff checked today. Last month I reported that I heard a low drone from the rear when I hit 90mph under load then it would disappear. On inspection the diff looked damp so booked it in to our local garage. 

    They got it on the ramp and agreed it was leaking from the front Oil seal. But sadly they don't fancy the job of reconditioning with new seals, they said if I can locate a diff they will will replace no problem. 

    So now I am a little stuck, I need to find a shop that will do the job or find another Diff. Anyone had a similar experience, any ideas of the costs involved with this???? I am based in Dunbar Scotland if anyone knows anywhere in the East that can help.





  15. 10 hours ago, Rich Askew said:

    Something stirred in the remaining 'grey matter' cell ...

    Click the 'Cancel' button on the right-hand side of the steering wheel twice. That makes my Oil Level show - but it might not have had the full amount of time to drain down to the correct level so could be a misleading short cut! The Oil Level will also show if you have the bonnet up and click through the trip computer stalk button too.

    Try the WD40 first. I had a couple of door lock mechanisms replaced, both offside, and lost the 'double beep' the doors locked correctly and the mirrors folded afterwards. It was about £125 each mechanism at Swallows Jaguar.

    And the winner in Rich Askew. Clicked the Cancel button a couple of times then the Oil Level showed every time. Thanks. Will book the car in to the stealers for the lock issue. WD40 never worked over night. 


  16. 22 minutes ago, Carl Gibbs said:

    Did you purchase the car privately or through a dealer? If the latter, I would go back to the dealer as there should be a warranty period even if only a few months. 

    I have a 2010 XF and get the same issue sometimes with the doors not locking and just get the beep. I open and close all of the doors again and it seems to work for me. So maybe WD40 is the way forward?

    Already had £500 back off the dealer for other issue. I'm done with their excuses. 

  17. So bought this back in Nov, 2014 XF's. My second as love the car but have a few issues. Awaiting it going in to get the diff checked (24th) as get a low drone when I hit 90mph and on inspection the diff looks damp, so probably needs a seal and a fill with any luck. 

    But now I have a door not locking on the key fob (drivers) so get the double beep and the mirrors don't close. Any obvious fixes for this, was thinking a generous spray of WD40 might help????

    Also, can't get a read out for my Oil level. I know to switch engine off leave for a few mins then flick through the menu until you get the details. But it says on Oil screen, unavailable see handbook. Handbook does not say how to fault find only how to get reading. Would appreciate any help before I need to book it in to the stealers to fix.

    Thanks chaps, so love it don't want to get rid of it so soon so please give me your thoughts.


  18. 2 hours ago, Big John said:


    I think you have probably answered your own question. If the Diff casing is oily you have a prime candidate to investigate as it should not have any oil on it 😞

    The atached might hep you to diagnose (pg499 on) but I think you probably need new seals and a top-up as a minimum.



    650456070_2010XFRWorkshopManual.pdf 58.49 MB · 3 downloads

    Thanks Big John. Hope I am wrong!

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