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Mark s-Type

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Everything posted by Mark s-Type

  1. Why does tech stuff have to be so hard ? Always it seems that when they say "plug and play" that's true, but they forget to say about the time you need to spend to understand it. With me it's the washing machine ! so many things to program in and now i can link my mobile phone to it and do it when away from home ? why would you need that? All i need it do do is wash and sometimes dry. This is tech now and why would not want to put on a wash via your mobile phone. with the pdf i am the same most of it way above my head so use it for pointers.
  2. Hi john i think the same something you plug in and read. I have only had my Jag for about 6mths and reading about these OBD readers that you need to have to help you save time and money. So i went looking for just a basic one and seen the one you said about you can plug them in and they stay there some bluetooth to your phone other wifi to a computer. Why? a good OBD would do the same i think. So tech is what you pick and choose from it. i would like to fit the above tpm system as i said one less thing. Computer set up and linking. First thing to check is the ids/ssd able to talk to the computer. should tell you in the info basic requirements to run. 2/ can your computer see the reader but it does not work? this normally comes down to a soft wear so check your firewall ect. any more info on this i would be happy to help if i can. NOTHING WRONG WITH SLATE AND CHALK ITS HOW THE WORLD WAS BUILT.
  3. hi all good mate that is how i read it, and had a laugh. In some ways i do wish to bring back a time when we all had time to use great items like this. i miss some of those times like the old feeler gauge ! but with time its now using tech so i have peace of mind and know there are been look after. I am sorry if my reply made you think i was having a go it was not my intention in any way.
  4. Thank you for the link. but this looks very hard to use with all the numbers on it i would have a hard time finding the correct one to use. The tpm system let you know if there is a problem in real time which is what i am after due to the roads i have to use for work. (roads lol tracks would be a better description)
  5. I would like to know what tpms you have used in your cars ( i have a 2002.5 s type no up grades so would not usb etc). Thank you for your replies
  6. Falmouth in Cornwall, land of the pasty!
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