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Eddie R

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Eddie R last won the day on April 25 2023

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  1. Thank you LairdScooby 👍 I will have look on eBay it was a MK1 ford Carpi that was welded but that was about forty years ago
  2. That's great Joe, thank you 👍
  3. I had a mk 1ford carpi that the wings was welded at the bottom of the wing, well the I had,I'll have a look on eBay I think I might need all the help I can get , my Jag has nearly done 200,000 miles, thank you for the advice LairdScooby 👍
  4. That's great Joe, thank your, I didn't want to get half though , and then have to put everything back, thank you Joe 👍
  5. Hi all, I have an 2004 s type and it needs two front wing's, I was hoping to put them on myself so I can see if anything else needs to be done, while the wings are off but what I would like to know if they are really bolt on, I did have a car that they said that the wings was bolt on but they was welded at the bottom of the wing, has anyone else put wings on and can help me.
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