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k-p last won the day on April 8 2022

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  1. ok, thanks. 🙂
  2. where did you buy yours?
  3. yeah, i'm going to try soon.
  4. thank you. congratulations, but you should've considered mine. ☺️
  5. thanks
  6. hi, yeah, i mentioned that car earlier on in the thread. i dont know if you looked at the car carefully but it doesn't have an actual arden kit (i think it's an oem kit), it has the much cheaper arden alloys, and I'm not sure if it has the full arden exhaust system (which costs a small fortune), but just the endpipes instead, and it also has 100K more miles on the clock than mine. so i don't think there is a genuine arden x-type on sale atm, and especially with the same millage as mine. thanks i will consider offers of about 6k. that's a great price for this car. thanks
  7. no interest from members on here then?
  8. hi, i don't know if you read my original post but i said i'm currently living in the city and my fathers car is parked up in the garage in my family home in the sticks. the picture of the car i've attached, is of one that is exactly the same (colour, interior, styling) and when i get a chance to go to my family home, I'll post pics of my dads - but it is IDENTICAL to the one in the picture i posted, so the picture is a means to an end. I'm sorry for any confusion.
  9. i'm sorry to have misinterpreted your comments. and thank you once again.
  10. btw, I'm open to reasonable offers.
  11. thank you, i appreciate it. i'm taking it you think very little of my car. 😉
  12. hi, i understand what you mean in general however, this article (https://www.topgear.com.ph/features/feature-articles/want-to-buy-a-brand-new-80s-jaguar-in-2019-a2613-20190112 ) thinks arden is to jag what brabus and alpina are to mercedes and bmw respectively - but we all have different views. mine has chrome, just like the pic. you're right, something is only worth as much as someone is willing to pay for it, so i hope i can find a buyer who values the as much as i do. thanks
  13. sure, i know it will impact the insurance price but that comes with buying an arden, brabus, etc. well, the usp for this car is that it is an arden, an extremely well kept one at that, and that a genuine arden is extremely rare - far more rare than the standard oem version. so, if anyone wants to buy it, it will be because it is an arden. as i mentioned earlier, the arden alloys were sold for £1,500 on ebay a while back, whilst OEM alloys are not. So i do think this car is more valuable than a standard version - i think this would be true of a well kept brabus mercedes too.
  14. that's very true. mine is in great condition - and i'd imagine more valuable than a basic model.
  15. I've just spotted this on ebay. You will notice that this is NOT a genuine arden body kit. you can see it is different to the kit on the arden website, and I don't know if it is the full exhaust system and not just the endpipes, which arden still sell separately. those are also the cheaper arden alloys, and it has almost 100k more miles than mine. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Jaguar-AWD-X-Type-Arden-spec-/115280689540?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l6249&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0
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