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WifesJag last won the day on March 12 2022

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  1. 21.20 Saturday 5th My wife pressed her car fob and opened the doors on her Jag, all the doors unlocked except the rear left passenger door, it remained locked, the fact the window didn’t open as well lead me to believe it was the door control module not the actuator. After reading lots of articles and write-ups I was still no wiser as to whether you could remove the door panel when the door is closed and locked. So only choice was to try it! So I removed the rear seat base and prised the kick plate off, pulled the rubber out quite easily, so far so good. I undid the 3 screws which hold the panel onto the door and tried to pry the bottom of the door loose, couldn’t pry it loose as access was too limited. I grabbed the top of the door card at the left hand end (Back of the door) pulled up and towards myself at the same time and the top of the door card started to come free, I worked my way along gently and got the top of the card loose, I then took a deep breath and yanked firmly on the door card and the poppers that hold the door card on popped out and I was able to free it all off, I unclipped the cables and twisted and wiggled it free, no damage, no broken clips! (Phew). My wife and me put everything taken off in the spare room, she then insisted on hoovering where the seat had come off. I Unscrewed the door control module from the door card, my wife took pictures of all the numbers on it, dates etc. I then plugged the module back into the car as it wouldn’t lock without it. I jumped on ebay and found an exact match with the same year, same month, same numbers etc, and it stated it had been tested and working and was guaranteed. Ordered, waited, it arrived! We plugged it in and bingo it works! All fixed, I now have to just put it back together as carefully as I can or she’ll murder me. No coding to the car was required. Time taken for the actual work 40 minutes. (Plus I still have to put it back together this weekend.) Cost of happiness of WIFE! £21.20p (The Price of the part). Hope this helps anyone else who had the same issue Saturday 12th - Update. So I put everything back together today on the back door. Also I did the front passenger door actuator as sometimes the door wasn't unlocking and the wifey had to press the fob a few times to make it open, now works every time, wifey is a happy lady. Front door took roughly 3 hours, but since it was unlocked it was easier to take everything off. The Part was £36. A bigger job than the back door and a little bit more expensive. Well worth it though.
  2. Thanks for the help on where to post, I'll go do that!
  3. Hi, I joined as my wife has a Jaguar XF and loves it, we recently had a problem with one of the doors locking and the same door window not working. We fixed it and I thought I would shared how we managed it as when I looked online for a fix I couldn't find one, so had to figure it ourselves.. Do I post it here? Or could someone please direct me to where I can post the write up to help others. Thanks.
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