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About andyprice87

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  1. I would agree with O.T.H possibly a ground issue check all the connections, if not possibly the transceiver switch (image below). worse case scenario a bad module which correct me if im wrong but is part of the instrument cluster.
  2. most satisfying job so far..... 😀
  3. I will do one thing I forgot to mention was the key fob was unresponsive even with cleaning with isopropyl alcohol and new battery's. I noticed the contact pads were very worn on the rubber buttons. craft knife took off the old ones and glued new in place, rubbed graphite on the new pads and now works a treat 😀
  4. or possibly even a bent rim or a flat spot from a pot hole. Either way a decent tire shop should be able to diagnose the problem.
  5. Awwww money a bit tight this month otherwise i would have attended 😢
  6. Welcome I am also new 😀 i have found owning a jag is a real good talking piece. I would possibly second Aubrey being being wheel alignment or driveshafts. Good luck
  7. I purchased the car with no mot and had been sat off the road for well over 18 months so was a gamble but the price was too good to turn down. As soon as the car was unloaded on to my drive way the cleaning commenced ( don't like working on dirty cars 😆 ). The first problem was stability control failure, after plugging her in it pointed to the abs module circuit failure. Being quite handy out came the soldering iron and re-soldered the power points and we had success 😁. I then went through all the brakes checking and cleaning as I went with a change of brake fluid for good measure. Second job was the drivers side headlight bracket was broken in 3 places?? so a salvaged part was sourced and replaced, nice easy job. the third job was the aerial mast was snapped off at the base so ordered one from SNG, now operating as it should. Well pleased with the car and makes me smile every time I drive her. Now for the other jobs people may not like is changing the head unit which is something I would usually agree with if it looks like an after thought. I went for this little beauty which has DAB+, BT hands free, Spotify and sat nav through apple carplay. I think it really looks like it belongs in the car. Secondly I removed the both rear back box and replaced with pipes from simply performance, not obnoxiously loud just enough to enhance that lovely V8 burble... Too be continued....
  8. Thanks Wrinkly she is in lovely condition for the age. I rescued her from being sat under a tree covered in leaves and moss, off the road for over 18 months. well pleased with the purchase ☺️
  9. Hi all just joined seeing i am a now a proud owner of a 1999 xj8 sport.
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