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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Ahh very good Steve! I always associate the Ronnies with Christmas, great entertainment. I made sure to watch Blackadders Christmas carol on Christmas day. Merry Christmas to all, and a happy new year! Adam.
  2. Hi Burl, welcome to the club! Have a great new year. Adam.
  3. Great information Stephen, thanks for posting it up :) Adam
  4. Ouch, I bet that made a nasty noise when it dropped off. I'd suggest either ebay or a local scrap yard. You'll probably have more luck at a yard, plus you might be able to pick up a few more spares cheaply. Hope this helps! Adam.
  5. Hi there, welcome to the club! :)
  6. BRGTom, Welcome to the club. Unfortunately, its quite hard to pinpoint why a cars EML has come on when the diagnostics machine comes up blank. What you could be experiencing, is wiring issues. If you can, check as much wiring in the engine bay as you can and look for damage. Worn HT leads can also lead to a misfire. If you still see nothing, a Jaguar specialist will probably be able to sort you out at a cost. I hope this helps you out. Adam.
  7. Hi Bluejag1965, welcome to the forum!
  8. Welcome to the club! :)
  9. I just came across this video Really interesting to see what the roads used to look like, especially for someone like me who wasn't even alive then. Check it out.
  10. Welcome to the club! Have fun posting here :) Adam.
  11. That does seem quite high, maybe call a garage you trust and ask them what they think? Adam.
  12. Welcome to the club :)
  13. Well, I was about to look for a solution but it looks like someones got here first! Thanks for your input Stephen, its great to have someone with so much Jaguar experience on the forum! Good look with getting it sorted OP! Adam.
  14. Sounds lovely mate, wonderful car the X-Type :) Welcome to the club! Adam.
  15. Welcome to the club! It seems quite a few people seem to be having demisting problems at present. Must be the time of year! Adam.
  16. Welcome to the club! :) Adam.
  17. Welcome to the club! :)
  18. Hi Gregten. It sounds very much to me like you might have a slight leak somewhere. If you've checked under all the carpets, try leaving the car undercover on a rainy night and see if you get the same problem on the next day. Good luck in getting it fixed! Adam.
  19. Thanks Michael. Maybe it would be worth getting a set! Although sadly the weather, although bitter at the moment it warming up. And the rain is coming. Hoooray for British weather! or not Adam.
  20. Hi there! Welcome to the club :)
  21. Hi Danny. I'm very sorry to hear about your arthritis. I think what you've managed so far is inspiring. Sadly, I can not personally help with your request. Id do hope however, anyone reading this who owns either of those great cars is willing to speak up and help give someone less fortunate a great experience. Good luck. Adam. :)
  22. Welcome to the forum Happycat :)
  23. Michael, do you find that winter mode/ tyres make a huge difference?
  24. We have no snow in Bournemouth yet, lots of icy patches around though. I love it when it gets cold. Be careful out there! Adam.
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