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Everything posted by SomeWearyOldGuy

  1. Hello, As I've posted previously, I'm looking at getting a pre-facelift Jaguar XF and, after much hemming and hawing, I've narrowed the choice down to a V6 or a V6 S. I confess that I prefer the idea of the extra S horsepower, but expect that might come with some drawbacks (eg, slightly worse mpg and engine/turbo wear). However, I can't find much on the web about the differences from a long-term perspective and, to my surprise, the official and reported mpg aren't too dissimilar between the two models. I'm looking to run my choice of XF for at least 3 years and 15-20 thousand miles, over an urban/hilly country/motorway mix. I'd be grateful for any opinions on which model would be better and the plus/minus side of the respective cars. Many Thanks
  2. Thank you all for your replies. I had hoped that the 3.0 L engine was as long-lived as its class counterparts and it would seem that it is. I'll keep my eyes open for the mentioned problem areas. At the moment, I've got my eyes focussed on the older V6 S Portfolios, although my eye keeps wandering up the scale to the Sportbrakes (20 yrs of driving estates makes saloons look strange, but I don't have much need of an estate anymore) Cheers.
  3. Hello, I've considering getting a Jaguar XF and, having done the cashflow vs expected 3-yr cost of ownership, I'm turning to other aspects of age, including engine mileage. Several of the cheaper models I've looked at have about 140k to 170k on the clock. I've owned Volvos (850 & V70, petrol+lpg) and Mercs (E-Class, diesel) and cheerfully ran up starship mileage (325k in my 850 and 200+ in the others). The engines outlasted the other niggles & rust on all vehicles. So, high mileage in and of itself doesn't faze me, but the Jaguar XF is unfamiliar territory and I don't know what to expect. I'd be grateful for any views on getting a pre-facelift V6S, in particular the engine longevity and any other age effects. Thanks
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