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  1. Still, it's a valid answer - if the consensus is that a patchy history (one service in the last 10 years) and highish mileage are both red flags, then I can keep looking. Does anyone have any tips of anywhere to look other than auto trader, or will they all be listed there?
  2. Hi all, I'm getting close to buying my first XK 4.2 coupe. I've driven a few now and have a shortlist of two: One is around 45k miles, in great condition all around, and drives really well. The issue is a patchy service history. It has dealer stamps for its first six years, but then a gap of 9 years & 10k miles with no stamps until a local garage service. That was 3 years ago, and since then it's done a further 4k with no further services. The other is at almost 90k miles, but has a full history of (mostly dealer) servicing. It drives just as well as the other. The interior is still very good but is noticeably more worn in places than the first. I'm a little concerned that when it gets to 100k it's going to be less saleable. I'm expecting to drive it maybe 3k per year, mainly long journeys. I'm struggling to figure out which would be a better buy - any thoughts/advice?
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