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  1. Sounds promising. Thanks so much for your response. Got a new pump being delivered this week. Not original Jag, but got a five yr warranty on it. So worth a punt. Thanks again
  2. Hello All I was hoping someone may be able to advise on the following codes which are shown in the engineering menu of my 2011 XF, 2.2d 900D87 9B3387 9C3514 9D3615 90A615 9C3314 9C4815 9D3715 E00415 I currently have one issue, the washer jets for the windscreen seem to be intermittent, when engine is running the pump will work for 4,5 or 6 pushes of the stalk, then will not work again, until after i have turned the engine on and off. With no engine running the pump seems to work forerver, lost count of how many stalk presses i can do. I did have the stalk reprogrammed at a local jag independent, so that it squirts all the time its held in, or for the full sweep of wipers if you just push it once. I cleaned the pump filter a couple of months back and its been fine, but the last week or so the issue described above seems to have begun. I usually charge the battery, once a month and its probably due tbh. Without engine running its on 12.4v, when engine running its on 14.5v. Thinking of changing the pump for washer, and making sure its not gunked up again, but seems odd that the issue "resets" after switching engine off and back on, at least for a few more operations of the washer jets anyway, then no sound from pump at all. Would appreciate any insight as this is the first time ive been stumped so far with the car in the six months ive had it. 😞 Many thanks in advance.
  3. Hopefully looking good for weekend collection, fingers crossed. Can anyone tell me how to remove the chrome trim around the windows, especially the top piece on the front doors? Can't seem to find this information anywhere 😕
  4. Well. I've commited now. 2011 2.2d Premium Luxury. 55k miles. In Crystal Blue. Cam belt and water pump is being done prior to collection, wheels refurbished, service, MOT and six months warranty. The only issue is, the keys lol. Typical. 😕 One fob only, and one actual key. Couldn't negotiate another fob in the deal. I'm not massively annoyed. But it is typical that I was happy with everything else. Lol So, I have seen i can get a blank fob, then have it programmed to the car, correct? And I don't need to go to Jaguar to do so, is this also correct?? Advice on where to go would be good, I've read that some locksmiths can do this? Anyway be gentle as it's my first Jaaaaaaag and very much looking forward to it.
  5. Thank you. Does the 2.2d have two belts? Or would that be the 3.0d V6 only?? Thanks again
  6. Am I right in saying that cam belt change on the diesels is 100,000 or 7 years? Whichever comes first? And, there's two belts?
  7. Off to look at a couple of XF tomorrow. Anything in particular I should look for, both sound as tho they have good service history and are from a fairly local "prestige" car dealer who seems to have a very good reputation. One is a Premium Luxury on a 61 plate with only 55k miles, 2.2d. In Crystal Blue. I love the look of it. But it only has reverse sensors with no camera, and no front sensors. Which is a bit of a shame. Could these be retrofitted at all? Other car is a 3.0d with 90k miles but is a better trim and 65 plate. And a bit more money. Any thoughts and input greatly appreciated. Thank you
  8. Thanks for the heads up. I've read through some of the S Type sub forum, it is a little daunting lol. Seems as though rust is a big potential issue with these. I doubt I can remove the plastic sill covers when viewing one tho tbh. But from what I've seen, it seems to be around the jacking points where they can start to go seriously bad. And if it's up to the start of the wheel arch, then the sills are probably already past a point of repair. If I could get a reasonable one, I would stick a couple of thousand pound aside for any unforseen issues. I was hoping this would be a decent contingency? Ideally I want as late a one as I can get. Which means it's likely going to have a DPF. I would consider a petrol but for a commute along the M4 everyday, it's probably not a realistic option as I dread to think what the mpg would be. Something like this, is what I think I'm after: http://www.autotrader.co.uk/car-details/202205135658405?atmobcid=soc3 Hopefully from some sort of dealer, there may be some sort of warranty for a few months even. At least if there's anything catastrophic theres a bit more comeback with a dealer I always feel. I realise you pay a bit more tho.
  9. Hi All I am considering buying a 2.7 Diesel S-Type. I realise that this is a fairly old car. But i have an itch and i think need to scratch it, and the S-Type seems reasonably priced. Should i be massively worried about reliabiliy, rust etc? Or are they, in the main, pretty good? I have had slightly older cars previously eg MX5s etc and an older Octavia vRS, i have no problem doing some jobs myself but i wouldn't tackle anything complex like a cam belt change. I am looking to spenf around £4-5k and am pretty sure i want the oil burner as i do a 60 mile round trip to work each day. Any advice would be hugely welcome, help me scratch this itch, please. lol
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