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  1. So, I rechecked the battery and it was at 12.4V. I went ahead and put it on a charger with negative disconnected from the car, charged it, then reconnected the negative and recharged it again - the problem has stopped and it just works. I checked running voltage and it checks at 13.7, so I am going to assume it is teh beginnings of a failing battery causing really really odd behavior with that system.
  2. My first guess is failed fuel pump
  3. Hi all, Have an oddball issue happening with my 02 3.0 S-Type Sport and could use your experience. This is new behavior on my jag that I have owned for over a decade. Once the car is locked by either the key or via the remote, within about 20 minutes, it arbitrarily executes a universal open - all doors unlock and all windows roll down along with the sunroof opening. Thinking it was aberrant behavior with the remote, I took the battery out of the remote and left it out. rolled up the windows and closed the sunroof (car sitting parked in my driveway). within 20 minutes or so, it does a universal open again, while just sitting. I removed the negative cable from the battery in the car overnight thinking a reset was in order, but after reconnecting, it did the same thing within 20 minutes or so. While driving, it has started locking and unlocking the doors and turning on and off the interior lights. I went ahead and checked (after locking the car with both the key and a second time with the remote) that all doors were closed and locked along with the trunk, and they were. All door locks lock and unlock without issue on command. Other than the possibility of this poor jag being possessed by the spirit of Louis the XIV, what am I overlooking here? Any insight is appreciated. Alan
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