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  1. For future reference regarding Battery not charging warning light and Pauls Post of Water in the boot. Pauls Story is identical to the one I have but i did go a little further with DIY and removed the black box that the Auxiliary battery sits on, I suspect its something to do with the ECO stop start system and does contain electronics. When i did remove the black box from its floor mounting after disconnecting both batteries first and removing the auxiliary battery. i found that there are four fuses directly under the aux battery that can be accessed and checked by removing two screwed down half oval covers but they were all fine in my case. On removing the black box and tipping it upside down I had what must have been half a cup of water come out of this black box unit. Even though it appeared to be a sealed unit, the water inside was leaking into a electrical socket located at the bottom of this box and only removable by completely removing the black box. I then used the hair dryer trick and got the box and socket super dry and hot to touch and then refitted and all appears well again, The ECO light failure notice did come on for the first couple of miles but soon switched off and the ECO stop start begain to work again, even though i would have preferred if it didnt 🙂 I am now going to search for these Slam vents behind the trim and see if that is the reason for the water ingress as well as putting a small drilled hole in the boot grommet as a fail safe. I am sure any garage would have charged a fortune and probably replaced the fused component Box under the Auxiliary battery so its worth having a go and doing yourself as long as you disconnect the batteries first. Many thanks for all the previous help and advice.
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