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Olde English

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  1. Carole Yes did get along, reg is S20 LNG, perhaps that's the XK8 your partner artfully shot? I saw your XK, recognised by the cover note in the windscreen, and very nice it is too. Mucho growler grins going on here, I will post a shot with me and Sandie together (note, Sandie is most definitely the pretty one)
  2. Thank you Carole I must admit, I too prefer lighter interiors, the XF was barley/truffle, IIR. We looked at other 8's with light interiors, but the wood trim wasn't right, as soon as we sat in this one, it was just right. I would like to add a MK2, but unfortunately even that is out of range (at the mo ) I do hope to get up to Gaydon and will be doing my utmost, even turning into a Chippies mate to help him finish, but if not, I'm sure I'll be at the next.
  3. Good morning Carole I hope to be attending the breakfast meet, but I have a carpenter in on Friday and he might overrun, which means I won't make it, unfortunately due to calendars, this was the only time available. My XK8 is the final run out "S" model, the colour is Satin Silver and the interior is Charcoal (with white double stitching), standard Jaguar grey lining. It is more pleasing than black as it is noticeably lighter once inside, the dash trim is in carbon fibre, not my ideal choice (I am quite an old fashioned wood trim kinda guy) but it does make the cabin look more modern. The XF was a lovely car, but I have always wanted a V8 and in particular, an XK100 rather than 150. I guess at heart I am just a little retro (note, not old fashioned!! ). Now I am totally enjoying "Jagownership".
  4. Now I've had it for a month, thought it would be a good idea to post first pics of my "new" 2005 XK8 4.2S. It was sad to see the XF go, but this is the car I've always wanted.
  5. So, the wife asks me to pick her up after a girlies after work thingy, jump in the car, suffer the whine of the warning tone and orff I jolly well go. Going to West Quay I have to traverse some raised ramps (pedestrian crossings), go to park up, sling the old girl in reverse and oh, the sensors are working again. 24 hours on and still working, now either something is loose, or I have jolted some hidden grime off, I have absolutely no idea, is this the true meaning of "a wonder mechanic?" (definition - wonder how that happened then_
  6. Always like to acknowledge other drivers who have had the foresight to buy a Jag. although it does tend to be marque for marque, however, when I had my XF the only other jag driver that acknowledged me was one who had an identical colour/year to mine (Emerald Fire). So perhaps it's an older car thing. That said, the XF has gone and been swapped for an 2005 XK8 2 weeks ago, and working peculiar hours/shifts as I do haven't really been out much to see if it works with other XK8ers, hoping it does, I kinda like the feeling of camaraderie, we know why we bought our cars and what they can do; Euroboxes they most certainly aren't!!
  7. My 2005 XK8 reversing sensors no longer work. I get the 5 sec continuous sound at start up to warn me. Have checked fuse, loose connections, to no avail. Is it sensors or could it be the module? Anyone else had this?
  8. Well, I have an 09 XF3.0dS and living in Southampton suffer from the double whammy of a City that is targeted as one of the 6 worst cities for pollution in the UK and will be taking some drastic steps to clean itself up. So, I took a rather drastic step myself and have just bought an 05 plate XK8, which I pick up on Thursday. (Kids are now no longer kids and we don't go out as a family hardly ever and it's the car I always wanted). So, it's out with a clean diesel and in with a petrol to keep the greenies happy, although I know I will be coughing out more greenhouse gas than with the XF, if it keeps the govt. happy, woop woop.
  9. Really enjoyed todays get together, good to meet and make some new friends, will upload a couple of shots as soon as I figure out how to do it???? As we were leaving, a young family were looking at our cars, their lad, about 2yrs old, running around them excitedly shouting "Jagyar", what could we do? Let him sit in the XF of course, his face was a picture as he sat there, grasping the steering wheel shouting "Jagyar, Jagyar" repeatedly, fantastic. Next meet? Anyone fancy Brooklands?
  10. If you want the drivers mirror to dip, set it at an angle you would like and save it to memory position 2, then when you reverse, select 2nd memory, take it out of reverse, select memory 1 and it will return how it was.
  11. Wilco, see you there for 10am, Purrdey is glistening at mo, won't drive her too much tomorrow just to keep her clean heehee.
  12. Ok, looks like we might well be popping up, has a time been fixed yet?
  13. Yes, I received my 2 stickers, they arrived before my car
  14. Alloys are 20 inch Senta's, to be honest i'm not a massive fan of ultra low profile tyres, but Jaguars suspension and soundproofing make them surprisingly pleasant (given so far only 50 miles covered on a commute). Guess I'll really find out when we motor down to Cornwall soon, or possibly the Heritage meet sooner if we can get up there.
  15. Southampton here
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