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  1. Thanks guys, another question... is it okay to charge the battery in situ with a good trickle charger? Will have to look to see how to turn of the stop/start I guess. 😆
  2. Hi all, sorry for the double post (as my first post in the welcome section has had 0 replies so I am hoping to have more success here). I should be collecting my new (but used of course) Jag XF from Arun in the next few weeks. She's a 64 plate with only 45k miles on her, so far, a 3.0 S V6 diesel portfolio. I just need some guidance re the cambelt change below, TIA. She will be serviced and MOT'd prior to collection but there is no record of a cambelt change in the service history. Should I get this done as well? What is the typical indy price for a cambelt change on one of these? Parts included? Is there more than 1 belt that needs to be done? Water pump as well? Cheers!
  3. Hi all, I should be collecting my new (but used of course) Jag XF from Arun in the next few weeks. She's a 64 plate with only 45k miles on her, so far, a 3.0 S V6 diesel portfolio. She will be serviced and MOT'd prior to collection but there is no record of a cambelt change in the service history. Should I get this done as well, given that the garage does seem to be recommended here anyway? What is the typical indy price for a cambelt change on one of these? Parts included? Is there more than 1 belt that needs to be done? Water pump as well? Cheers!
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