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JudyMarlow last won the day on September 18 2023

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  1. Well.....it's fixed!! After a lengthy fuse pulling exercise and replacing back.....the XF has sorted itself. Still baffled which fuse it was because it showed no obvious spiking. However, ever since for the last 2-3 weeks it is working perfectly. Can only suspect dodgy loose fuse or connection. Still not a complete answer, but thought I'd let you guys know that if you have the same trouble, this worked a treat for me.
  2. Hi all, I'm new to the Forum. Having a NIGHTMARE with my Battery draining almost overnight. Brand new battery fitted now and it's still doing it. Switched off everything from Auto Lights, to Auto Wipers, turned off Stereo and Climate when parked, I've even changed key fob and key batteries in case that's doing something. I have noticed when the car gets low that it starts flashing lights until it completely runs dead, I've even caught it just putting it's parking lights on in the middle of the night (only when getting flat). Completely run out of ideas now and it's letting me down big time! Any help from you fine ladies and gentlemen would be greatly appreciated. I feel it may be a 'pulling fuses' exercise next! Thanks for any advice, Judy.
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