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Tony Weiler

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  1. My issue is that a small water hose !Removed! on the front tight headlight, chrodingc it inside and.. totally wiped our all wires for that light. The connectors were totally gone. What I did was to take off the other side then make a schematic then drill tight holes for colored wires. But, apparently the wires shorted and had no electricity. What to do.. Pay over $2000? No. I located where the main light was connected in the fuse box upper rider's side of the car. I located whereon the relay plugs were then connected to that source. Yes, It holds the amperage well., Next, for the turn signal I took a ittle-finger sized clear plastic tube, the length of he car, I then bought a very strong spool of thread, tied a wad to it, then blew it all the way of the other end, tied the electric wire to it and pulled it all the way through. That will connect to the turn light in the back left side! How... that is a little tough. I took of the front wheel. pulled out the wheel cavity filler, the ran the tube the length of the car. FINALLY THE TRICK: Note: The lights are really 'short circuits'and when you connect two together then connect two lights, THIS CAR IS SMART! It senses two bulbs in stead of 1 unless you use a relay. From here on, you should be able to finish or get someone "electrical" to read this and finish with it. Where I am in California.this isi 2am so I gotta stop. Good luck! Tony Weiler, [email protected]
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