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  1. Hi! Bought an S type (2001) 4 weeks ago and as I was driving up the motorway the 'restricted performance' light came on alongside the engine light. Phoned the AA and they said it was ok to keep driving. It didn't actually go into limp mode. Last week it had a low coolant warning but coolant was fine. It's booked in to go back to the shop and they seemed pretty blase about it also saying it was ok to drive. The thing is, my mum's in hospital about 40 miles away and I need to visit her. Would you drive it on the motoway? Thanks in advance! Fiona
  2. Hi! Bought an S type (2001) 4 weeks ago and as I was driving up the motorway the 'restricted performance' light came on alongside the engine light. Phoned the AA and they said it was ok to keep driving. It didn't actually go into limp mode. Last week it had a low coolant warning but coolant was fine. It's booked in to go back to the shop and they seemed pretty blase about it also saying it was ok to drive. The thing is, my mum's in hospital about 40 miles away and I need to visit her. Would you drive it on the motoway? Thanks in advance! Fiona
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