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  1. Hi Charlotte, did you get a definitive answer to your query? - I think I also need to replace the BCM as I have also tried new battery, various resets, lubricating window holders etc. Charlie
  2. Well, I finally got round to trying the fix for the ECU for all the windows as suggested by Jim (N6 JMX) which I think is the problem but probably needs to be replaced as the fix didn't work in this case - but thanks for the suggestion. My mechanic says watch out for coded ECU modules that might be specific to the car and therefore not interchangeable - does any one know if it is a simple case of buying a new or spare module or having to get a specific coded one to replace it? Grateful for responses as my index finger's getting a bit fed up after a year of endlessly 8 button pressing for every window!
  3. On the stored codes question, I'm having the MOT done next week and will ask them to check this. Thanks, Charlie
  4. Thanks for this, Jim. Much obliged. I have bought a new battery and tried the reset but to no avail but I will try the fix mentioned in the last paragraph and see if that helps. I will post back to this site one way or another. Cheers, Charlie
  5. I have also changed the battery with no improvement.
  6. Did anyone get a fix for this problem, please? Reset doesn't work. Tried quite a few things but still no good and doing it up and down on all 4 windows so must be some kind of computer error, maybe?
  7. I have just bought a 2009 X Type, which I really love but all the windows are only partially working. When I downpress (part or all the way) it works every time, but only for 3 inches of movement (on all 4 windows) and I have to press it about 5 times to go all the way down. I also have to press the upswitch (part or all the way) exactly 8 times before it will move 3 inches and again 8 times for the next move etc...a painstaking process. The main 5A Fuse is fine but annoyingly the fuse extractor flicked off the virtually inaccessible right window motor fuse and disappeared behind and below the footwell lining, when I tried to remove it - lost forever methinks - but surely there would be no movement if this fuse had gone and there are 2, one for each side (quite a coincidence if both fused). The resetting procedure laid out elsewhere doesn't work. Please help as this is my first Jaguar and I would hate for it to be something stupid like this that makes it my last...thank you, in anticipation.
  8. Also, downpress (part or all the way) works every time for 3 inches of movement but on all 4 windows you have to press upswitch (part or all the way) exactly 8 times before it will move 3 inches and again 8 times for the next move. Fuse is fine but annoyingly the extractor flicked off the virtually inaccessible motor fuse and disappeared below the footwell lining - lost forever methinks! The resetting procedure doesn't work. Please help as I just bought my first Jaguar and would hate for it to be something stupid that makes it my last...
  9. Same issue for me, too, but on all windows - has anyone found a fix for this, please?
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