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mightychipster last won the day on February 3 2024

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  1. Anyone taken up the Jaguar Service Plan? Is it worth it? How does it compare to a non dealer service? TIA MC
  2. Hi, Not really an update as such but just to bring this post back to life as I'm still experiencing this issue with the American data format in the instrument cluster. JLR UK has fobbed me off and told me to get it fixed/resolved by the dealership at my own cost as they are unwilling to offer me a goodwill gesture. I've been quoted £260ph for diagnostics, but I can simply show them the fault easily but no doubt they'll want to plug in their kit as well. Has anyone else got any thoughts or ideas? I simply can't afford to get this resolved myself so I may well just have to live with it 😒
  3. Thanks John, I think I'll call Jaguar UK tomorrow and seek their guidance. It feels like a trip to the dealership to update firmware/software and I'm in no doubt it will be at considerable cost. Shame because I have access to PATHFINDER. Incidentally, here is the google search results for the same issue that appears to be affecting most newer Jaguar models. There seems to be no clear solution other than a trip to the dealership: https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=jaguar+american+date+format&sca_esv=595745443&source=hp&ei=2QaXZeCPCp-Txc8Pi56iaA&iflsig=AO6bgOgAAAAAZZcU6StGSJC1owuvmC0oSv3zJk0vL5p0&ved=0ahUKEwig4Pzhu8SDAxWfSfEDHQuPCA0Q4dUDCAw&uact=5&oq=jaguar+american+date+format&gs_lp=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&sclient=gws-wiz
  4. Thanks John for sharing. However, I've tried to change/set either the location and/or date both to UK and US and once I set the UK date format (04/01/2024) once I lock, leave then unlock the car the date defaults back to US format (01/04/2024). In essence, changing the date format to UK it will change back to US every time
  5. Thanks Ian for your kind words, I'll take a look at your motor too! 🙂
  6. Hi all, Wanted to introuduce myself as a first time Jaguar owner. Mostly BMWs but this time round a Jaguar XF seemed the obvious choice. I've attached a picture. Very happy so far (25t r sport with a few extras) but do have a slight niggle I hope others on this forum can help me with. This is my post: Thanks and I look forward to my time on this forum
  7. Hi, I've a 2018 model Jaguar XF (x260) with incontrol touch (without CD) and for some strange reason my date format in the instrument cluster always displays the american format i.e. month/day/year or 12/31/23 to be exact. I've changed it every which way possible in the settings but always defaults back to the american format. Even flicking between US/UK language settings too doesn't make a difference (as it will default back next time you use the car). I think the time seems to be around 2-3 mins slow as well (eventually). I googled and I found a post from a couple of years ago suggesting that for someone with the exact same issue on his XE had it resolved by his dealership via a software update. Through another Jaguar forum member with the latest PATHFINDER software we succesfully updated the whole informatainment system today which took about an hour to do but the issue still remains. Does anyone know how to permanently fix this? Is there a specific software update or procedure? Or something else? TIA MC
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