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  1. Thought I'd share an easy cheap fix for this common problem. My xf had a very bad shrinkage problem with the leather on the dashboard which looked awful on an otherwise great car. All you need is a small leather iron. I bought mine from "Ebay" at a cost of £10. the Link https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/306068075912?_trkparms=amclksrc%3DITM%26aid%3D1110006%26algo%3DHOMESPLICE.SIM%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D280596%2C281316%2C280787%26meid%3D3259b49b015e4890bc1a67abdb8c5ed5%26pid%3D101875%26rk%3D2%26rkt%3D12%26sd%3D226537635610%26itm%3D306068075912%26pmt%3D1%26noa%3D0%26pg%3D2332490%26algv%3DSimplAMLv11WebTrimmedV3MskuWithLambda85KnnRecallV1V2V4ItemNrtInQueryAndCassiniVisualRankerAndBertRecallWithVMEV3CPCAutoWithCassiniEmbRecall%26brand%3DSmooth&_trksid=p2332490.c101875.m1851&itmprp=cksum%3A3060680759123259b49b015e4890bc1a67abdb8c5ed5|enc%3AAQAKAAABcNnX%2FcPSJ4FQoNUs8iW9d3TTdveHEGYK%2F99oxoRSM0U4bA%2F0pel740HFSnLmNo8XaXFf3LY94VNsllcUHn%2FJtRSziVjKEEDlraork%2BGVpOZJJFdtIFmTnDC7UCpFP2E69q7yDRkCBMpHAWHs%2F32bJnpsae4oUfvCeeTTMMYRHTT8g%2FZTV6W6afE%2FPUcC2Ni3zk9GLSQtSVlNHf%2BK8wopkg6J69viugy3Lj9%2FZQZj0dV%2BH0z3mkEsrbYeLTHH42kS24bUKdDqQzca8hO8g3MHKn4LNH22QsDg1iLnVYkalOCJd08nODncA6m5Lti7eLxWdDKU5Ut%2Bss1i2o0K%2BZRdy3tXXAGsHtkmK0pmbhrvPjr3py4Cp1r78D%2F5GrquDNUFDqkqAEAm5T6KBraxZmwR%2FwGP30HLD%2Bs4aSvJ54AR5lwGYLlkc4iOLywFxpmdI%2FksvbdtZvlYUDIahLpv9BF0r13%2BQY4UJXtc0mqYi5YZhPsh|ampid%3APL_CLK|clp%3A2332490&itmmeta=01JMEZPHD5XH9MR6V6M73MJ1PJ Long isn't it, anyway the iron gets very hot so take care so make sure you don't let it touch any other part of the car apart from the leather. Gradually work you way up the dashboard smoothing out the wrinkles as you go. It's a good idea to use a leather moisturiser before you start this will make the leather more supple. what it does is as well as smoothing out the wrinkles it also heats up the original glue enabling the leather to stick back down. I was going to have a new leather fitted to the dashboard but this would cost a fortune. Regards Bonzo
  2. Thanks "Big John" this looks an easy fix. Regards Bonzo
  3. I've got an unusual fault on my curtesy lights. They normally work fine just touch the light and it comes on or off, but lately they come on their own when I start the car but go off after about 15min of driving. It doesn't make any difference touching the light it still stays on. Any help appreciated.
  4. A little more expensive overall as expected. The diesel models are cheaper on fuel but I prefer paying a bit more for petrol and they will hold their price better. Insurance is comparable to any other car as they are deemed safer. In all you are driving a high powered luxury car so you have to pay a bit more for the privilege. Do plenty of research on the car you are interested in and check the service record.
  5. Morning all. I'm back in a Jag after having a Vauxhall for a few years (silly me). I've previously owned an XJ and an X Type, I'm now in a XF and I love it. It's a 3ltr Petrol version, not the most economical but not that bad. Take into account it's ULEZ free and it works out OK. The only problem I had was the laquear on the front bumper but with a bit of wet and dry and a can of spray paint and tin of liqueur it looks like new again. Happy motoring. Lyn
  6. Good morning. The xf is a good buy. Don't worry too much about the milage on these cars as they will have the same problems as any other cars. Just make sure it has a good service history and you will be fine. Also don't listen to people saying the petrol versions are expensive to run.
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