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wayne (boom)

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wayne (boom) last won the day on March 22 2013

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  1. Happy Birthday wayne (boom)!

  2. I would suspect the head gasket, the water will be going out through exhaust but cat will stop signs at exhaust or water may be getting past head gasket into oil, take oil filler cap off and see if there is any brown sludge there
  3. You do not need to take any plastics off the car, I put my arm in the front of the bumper under the number plate, uncliped the sensor from the car then removed the sensor from its holder, fitting was just the reverse, it took 15 mins tops.
  4. I had exactly the same problem a few weeks ago, my temperature was stuck on 10 degree's celsius, I changed the external temperature sensor and all fixed, I got the sensor from the main dealers for around £10. The sensor is located just behind the front splitter Like ThisQuoteMultiQuote
  5. I take it there is not a service mode for changing the wipers then, on other cars I have owned, where the wipers will not lift when in park you have a service mode that you put them in and the go half way up the windscreen allowing you to fully lift the arm to change the blades, even though it is still very easy to change the blades as mine only took 5 mins I would of thought they would have a service mode as well, I think next time I am at the Jag dealership I will ask the question.
  6. I had same issue with the wiper arms not lifting up when I changed my wipers, Is there not a way to put the wipers in service mode so they will lift up to allow you to change the wiper blades more easily.
  7. @Spitfire I would say the locking mechanism has failed as it is only locking the door when you deadlock the doors.
  8. @Macdonald From what I can tell they are the same from 99 to 03, there are plenty for sale on ebay.
  9. Unfortunately sounds like you might need a new boot locking mechanism.
  10. The car is not locking because it thinks your boot is open even though it is not, it will try to lock then unlock as it thinks boot is still open, try cleaning locking mechanisam on boot, could just be bad contact, if you can stop dash board saying boot is open my guess is central locking will start working again properly.
  11. I agree either belt or one of the pulleys. Have you had a look at the belt.
  12. Mine is a 2001 3.0L Sport with the BBS alloys, I think the wheels set the car off only difference is my wheels have been refurbed in silver to match the cars colour. Wayne
  13. Weather forecast is good for Saturday think ill clean the car and posts some pics.
  14. It sounds like it needs resetting, not 100% sure how to do it on that car but on other makes I have had in past you hold finger on switch when fully up for about 5 secs and that should reset it. Wayne
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