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  1. Thank for your input Jim, not sure about the grill but will check anyway, I have listened to all speakers today and have found that the crackling is only on the front door small top speaker and the tweeter on both doors, all other speakers ok, this is happening after about 5 mins just sat in the car without the engine running. Thanks again. Arnie.
  2. I have a crackling sound coming from the speakers, when driving home yesterday the stereo kept glitching so turned it off, noise still there, arrived home and switched off and you could still hear the crackling sound coming from the speakers, doesn't seem to happen when the car is cold so could be heat related, I have tried googling the problem but can't seem to find a definitive answer. If anyone has come across this annoying problem before, please could you let me know, your help and advice is greatly appreciated. It's the Meridian system if this helps. Kind regards. Arnie.
  3. Thanks Jim, forgot about the Halfords colour match system, I have found a local specialist who would refurbish the wheels, just about to find out how much he charges, he comes highly recommended and would also do the wheels at your home if needed. Many thanks again for your advice.
  4. Many thanks Paul, but it's the paint for the wheels I'm looking for, the car paint is excellent. Cheers.
  5. Hi, I have just purchased my first Jaguar, it's a 2014 XF 3.0 S Portfolio Sportbrake, there are a few scrapes on the alloys so I would like some spray paint, could someone point me in the right direction, I have tried researching but there only seems to be the small touch up paint available. Any advice greatly appreciated. Cheers, Arnie.
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