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  1. Hi Peter, Thank you for your reply. I was a bit wrong about diesel going down these pipes 😂 but we live and learn. It makes sense what you’re saying as without this how would the ecu know when to regenerate. I’ll get some new hose. I’ll probably just buy standard rubber hose and slide it inside the outer shield. I’ve ordered a bluetooth ODBII connector so I’ll hopefully be able to read the codes to get a better idea of what going on. Thanks again.
  2. Hi Everyone, I replaced the front part of my exhaust yesterday and noticed there are two rubber hoses going to the dpf. These both have a braided outer sleeve which I assume is some kind of heat protection. One of the hoses had split and come detached from the DPF. The hose that had come off was hard and quite stiff. When I squeezed it white/grey powder came out of the end. As I squeezed further along the hose more powder came out, so obviously this is blocking the hose. These hoses go up towards the back of the engine. My MOT is due next month and my engine management light is on. It’s been on for some time as I need a new EGR valve too. It’s currently blocked off. I have a bluetooth code reader but it wont talk to the car so I have no idea whether or not the DPF is giving any faults. So my question is, what are these two hoses for and if one has been off for a long time would it have damaged my DPF? Does diesel go down these to regenerate the DPF? I can’t find any definitive answers online. Thanks Richard
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