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  1. Thank you @N6 JMX and @Big John The car is actually my father-in-law’s… He was driving the car on the motorway when it died. There were no signs of any previous issues. The car was towed away back to his drive. I topped up the oil in the hope of pressure coming up as he mentioned a small puddle under the car when on the hard shoulder but the oil gauge still didn’t move so we left it to the garage. He had topped up with a couple of litres ahead of the drive that morning hence it then being overfilled in the end so no reason to think there is any coolant contamination necessarily. The car is at Robert Cockings in Somerset, a reputable garage as far as I understand. The problem with sourcing a 2nd hand engine is not knowing how good it is. I’m inclined to recommend an engine rebuild and upgraded components if he wants to keep the car. What are your thoughts? And any recommendations on who could do this? He’s had the car restored and resprayed from bare metal (not the best job I’ve seen…), new/rebuilt gearbox, new roof canvas and mechanism and hoses sorted out, seats partially reupholstered and treated… mechanically the car is sorted otherwise so it is unfortunate. Scrapping it seems a shame as he likes the car and getting a new one there’s no guarantee of what he will be buy into, right?
  2. Hello! My 1999 XK8 Convertible seems to have packed up its engine. The garage says it needs a new one but I was hoping your collective wisdom can point me towards a better solution? Here is what they said:
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