Have owned two of these X-Types and sort of understand. They were a bit of a compromise but their poor reviews at the time were genuinely unfounded. Yes, it comes from a time when Ford owned Jaguar and were desperately trying to make the company profitable. So does everyone's much hated S-Type where faster or rarer versions are getting some love back
Yes, the floopan, engine and switchgear was done by ford but please remember it still used original Jag interiors and trim
Am selling or scrapping mine because it's an old, poorly maintained one but does have a a few points going for it. Good, old Frod Dynatic Engine and the CD player works, but only on Tuesdays. PM me fore it has to go to the great Jag Dealer in the Sky
I also need the space as my little Daimler 250 might be coming back soon
Can honestly say I love them. Not a great idea from Jaguar but served as my intro to the world of. As the competitor to the BMW 3 series it failed, as a cheap old wreck that nobody loves it still makes sense if you can afford the repair bills on an old car