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Dee Apples

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    Debra-Jane Appelby
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  • UK/Ireland Location

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  1. Thanks, Had a quick google. No joy on them or Rimmer Bros, ebay, Jaguar land rover classic. The SNG Barratt looks like a keeper for other stuff though 👍 I may just have to pretty please them with sugar on to just do it and use the old plugs with a bit of ptfe tape and a new crush washer which is what i would do if i could get to it. But then my experience comes from tinkering on K11 Micras and a Ford Probe 😀
  2. Hello All, I have an '02 3l petrol AWD X-Type with a leaky rear diff seal (nearside) and a slight judder on motorway acceleration. After a lot of googling i decided to book it in to a local indy specialist for the seal and transfer box service/fluid. However they have informed me it can't be done because the rear 'level plug' is an obsolete part (XR815977) and they won't re-use the existing one or say there are no other '3rd party' compatible replacements. Has anyone else come across this? The rear seal (C2S1557) doesn't seem to be available either. If this is the case it's either scrap the car for the sake of £20 of consumable parts or buy a whole new driveshaft and transfer box for £100's Thanks in advance a new and not hopefully short lived Jag owner
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