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  1. Can anyone with a heritage certificate for an X Type tell me the easiest way to find the gearbox number? I’ve applied but been asked for “3 out 4 of the following” VIN number, Engine Number, Body number, Gearbox number. They go on to explain that the body number won’t be found as it’s “in the white” meaning not visible and I understand the gearbox number is where you won’t find it without taking the gearbox out. They require 3 out of 4 for security reasons. Well the VIN and the Engine number are on the document so we are just talking about the gearbox number, yes ? So the only cars with certificates have had their gear box removed ? Surely not. What am I missing ?
  2. My 2006 X type cooling fans run constantly while the ignition is on. One of the blue and white wires was broken but bridging it didn’t help. I’ve fitted a new controller and that didn’t help. Now the fans will stop when the aircon is ON but when the aircon is OFF they run at full pelt. Any ideas ?
  3. Has anyone been able to get a heritage certificate for an X Type ? I’ve applied but been asked for “3 out 4 of the following” VIN number, Engine Number, Body number, Gearbox number. They go on to explain that the body number won’t be found as it’s “in the white” meaning not visible and that the gearbox number is where you won’t find it without taking the gearbox out. They need 3 out of 4 for security reasons. Well the VIN and the Engine number are on the document so we are just talking about the gearbox number, yes ? So the only cars with certificates have had their gear box removed ? Surely not. What am I missing ?
  4. Awesome. I’ll have a look and post on whatever I learn.
  5. I’m Paul. I just bought AV06ZKS a 2005 model 3.0 Sovereign petrol auto. It had two owners and covered 59,000 with a full service history. It seems in good shape but a little tired. It belonged to a local gentleman who doesn’t drive any longer. He had it for 10 years. Im guessing it was one of the last ‘05 models since it wasn’t registered until August 2006. If anyone knows how to figure that out I’d love to know. For now it’s going to sit in storage until I have the time and money to make it the as good as it can be.
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