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  1. I've noticed that I can hear the power steering pump wheezing even when making normal driving corrections on tighter bends. Is it normal to hear the power steering when driving normally (in which case I've nothing to worry about) or is this abnormal?
  2. Hello, My XKs power steering makes a wheezing noise a bit when turning sharper corners and at standstill parking etc. I've not had a conventional hydraulic power steering system for many years (electric assisted steering) so the fact the XKs steering makes a noise is this normal? Garry
  3. Hello all, I am in the future considering changing the back box on my Jaguar 5.0 XK from the standard twin exhaust to a quad exhaust, primarily for looks and sound but there could be a power increase of up to 20hp. I think this means that I will need to declare it to my insurance company, has anyone done this? and what impact did this declaration have on their premium? Thanks
  4. Your situation is very similar to my recent experience (I bought a very low milage XK that had a few services missed during very low annual milage years) I carefully checked over my XK before buying it in December 24, then once I bought it I took it to a jaguar specialist and had a full (change everything) service and inspection (even though the selling dealer had just serviced it) to baseline its maintenance - the car was sound no issues. Now 3000 miles later (more milage than it has done in the last 5 years combined) the car is running perfectly no issues, no increased oil consumption and as it only had 15k on it when I bought it the engine feels like it is finally being run in!
  5. Just wondering if anyone out there has experience of remapping a standard 5.0 Xk? I have a few questions. Remapping usually sharpens up throttle response (which would be nice) but given the XK can struggle with traction in the wet, does this sharper response cause any problems? Is the 20 - 30hp/torque gain noticeable? Any improvement in mpg? thanks
  6. Hi N6JMX, I am going to talk to and visit Elite Performance Jags (who have some interesting videos on their website of XK exhaust system mods) about what impact their options would have on the overall noise level of the XK. As most of my milage in the XK is long distance on motorways (when the drone disappears) I definitely don't wont to create more cruising noise. Garry
  7. Hi N6 JMX, The drone definitely comes from the back of the car, my son squeezed in the back seats (quite a feat) and he could hear the drone from behind him so I am pretty sure its the back box not the centre silencers. Its not a huge problem (probably normal for a twin pipe 5.0) but as I am thinking of changing the back box for a four pipe Elite and Performance Jags one at some point I was wondering if doing this might get rid of the drone as well as looking and sounding better at other times. Garry
  8. Hello all, At low speeds (30 - 50mph) my standard (twin exhaust) XK drones from the back rather than purrs, above this speed it is fine, its not a huge problem just a bit irritating. Just wondering if a custom back box would solve this problem (or would it make it worse?).
  9. Hello M6JMX, I have looked under the XK and the exhaust looks standard.
  10. Hello N6 JMX, I have the car in standard mode so not in Dynamic or sport. Are you saying that a naturally aspirated 5.0 V8 like mine should not make any pops and bangs on downshifts unless in Dynamic mode? Garry
  11. Hi Jim, It only pops on lift off or down changing, so not continually, it has the standard exhaust and I don't drive it in dynamic mode, another XK 5.0 I drove before selecting this one did the same. Its just a bit chav like, the noise the engine makes on down changing is nice enough it doesn't need the pops which I find a bit jarring. I was hoping that there was a setting to turn it off. If I remapped the engine could I instruct the remapper to stop the popping?
  12. I know this may sound like sacrilege to some but I find the constant popping and banging from the exhaust on overrun irritating. Is there a way to stop it?
  13. Mint 2015 XK 5.0 with only 15,000 miles on it (soon to be a lot more as I relish driving it)
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