I have a 2005 UK RHD Jaguar X-Type Sports Premium Estate 3.0 V6 Petrol with Manual gear change, which I have imported into Spain.
The car has a history of parasitic drain that eventually causes an issue with the 12V battery. To solve the problem, I had a battery disconnect (rotating) switch fitted to the 12V battery negative cable and also had the bonnet opening switch (which is located in the far corner of the engine compartment nearest the UK RHD passenger) disabled via a reversible (if I ever want to reconnect) cable connector. The 12V battery disconnect switch worked fine, allowing me to:
Release the bonnet
Lock the car with the key fob.
Open the bonnet fully (bonnet opening switch disabled, no alarm).
Disconnect the battery with the rotating switch.
Drop the bonnet and leave the car parked for a month or more.
No parasitic drain or other 12V battery issue.
Open driver’s door with key (not fob).
Release the bonnet.
Connect the battery with the rotating switch.
Start the car (plus set Radio Code and Window One-touch Opening).
However, I recently had a bonnet release cable issue and a flat battery, which meant that I could not open the bonnet to jump start the car, When I eventually got access to the engine compartment, I refitted the bonnet release cable and purchased a new 12V battery. Now when I use the previously successful procedure to disconnect the 12v battery with the rotating switch, the car immediately sounds an alarm, initially the full alarm and horn, then the quieter secondary sounder (backup alarm). So I have had to leave the new 12V battery connected and subject to parasitic drain until I can resolve the problem. Somehow, I need to be able to use 12V battery disconnect switch without setting off either main or secondary (backup) alarms.
Your advice and experience appreciated, including references to other threads in the forum.
Old battery - Yuasa YBX5000 Series YBX5110 12V 85Ah 800A.
New battery - Varta F17 80Ah 740A.