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Everything posted by keymeister

  1. Hi can you let me have more details and some pics? Cheers Andy
  2. Hi a couple of common problems are the heater control valve sticks giving cold air and the drivers door lock actuator often fails both are relatively cheap to fix Andy
  3. Hi had the same problem I presume after that length of time you got stuck at the metal plate surrounding it? I spoke to a mechanic who told me to cut it off with snips! Job done! Good Luck
  4. Hi It's not going to be easy but you need to get the door card off with the door closed! I would suspect a broken cable! Good Luck
  5. Hi once you have the door card off the module is protected by a metal security plate! Easiest wat to remove it ic cut it off with snips! The rest is then straight forward
  6. I bought my 3.0L S-Type a few months ago and love it to bits! I am even selling most of my bikes as this is just as fast!! Got to keep one though!
  7. Its difficult to diagnose electrical problems without using a multi meter but it sounds very much like a faulty indicator switch! I would try replacing it firdt then work from there
  8. If it locks and unlocks fine with the key then more than likely! When I connected the used one the locks behaved perfectly! I'm going to have another go at it this weekend so will let you know how I get on Have a look at this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/JAGUAR-S-TYPE-DOOR-LOCK-SOLNOID-O-S-F-DELIVERY-INC-/380630536174?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item589f590fee
  9. I have a problem with my central locking, when using the remote it locks then immediately unlocks! Or vice versa if it is locked! I have been locking and unlocking with the key. I have traced the fault to the drivers door lock actuator and purchased a good used one. Today I decided to fit it, so do door panel off, electrical connection off and plugged in the replacement to test it, everything now works as it should! Now the fun part fitting it!!! I can remove all the torx head bolts but cannot get past the metal plate to disconnect the rods from the actuator! After 2 frustrating hours and much swearing I have put it back together for another day! Any tips anyone? otherwise I fear it may get put off for ever!!!
  10. Cheap and cheerful solution if you have a cassette player on the dash is one of the adaptors that plugs into the headphone socket from £2.90 0n amazon! http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2/280-2024467-0183348?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=ipod%20cassette
  11. Just got back from a trip to France! The roads are excellent!!!! A couple of pics of my S Type!
  12. Hi finally bought my first jag an s type british racing green cream interior it's the first car to ever invade the garage! usually motorbikes only!!!
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