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Everything posted by thecathouse

  1. Thanks for the help and pics Dave, it is definitely 1 on the accessory drive diagram. I have checked the belt and it seems intact, routed as the rest of the diagram, so hopefully just a pulley.
  2. Thanks for the reply Dave. Attached 3 photo's showing back, front and edge. I have been reliably informed ?? that it is the Drive Belt Idler Pulley and that mine has come off as the bearings have worn out and separated. This person also suggested it was an easy fix (once you have the part) to replace, un-tension belt and refix. Hope you can concur this to be the case, still not sure what sort of cost it will be but hoping my local Jag place could do it in situ, as I have now had it towed home. Thanks
  3. I started my Jaguar again this morning (after being parked up for about 20 minutes), the engine didn't sound right, so I switched it off and checked under the bonnet. I found, loose on the engine bay floor, what I think is the belt idler pulley. It is about 14cm in diameter, grooved on outside face for the drive belt and I believe fits to the engine with probably a 12 or 14mm headed bolt. My pulley has absolutely sheared off, where the centre is, where the bolt goes through, is still attached in the car, so the whole centre is missing from mine. This is the top left pulley, looking into the engine bay, but having no breakdown cover, workshop manual or anything I am trying desperately to identify the part so that I can at least order it up and get someone to come change it out. Can anyone indicate what the part may be called, part number or anything - because as far as I can work out, talking to my local Jaguar dealer, there are many parts and pulleys and he couldn't indicate what part it was over the phone. The dealer is about 6 miles from me, the car is 2 miles in the other direction and I have no other means of transport. Any help would be most welcomed. Thanks
  4. Thanks for the replies and welcome. Colin I have checked previously the two sites you listed and unfortunately they only do from 2002 on, the Denso DVD unit. I have emailed both in hope that there is a slightly newer disc than my 2000 one available. The car only cost a few bob so it isn't worth investing big money on sat nav, it isn't like I go a lot of places out of my way, but thanks anyway.
  5. Herllo, and thank you for the forum. After many years (and many, many terrible cars) I have finally bought myself a Jaguar S-type 3.0 V6 SE, V plate, 1999 - 2000. The car is fantastic, fully loaded and everything working and I bought it in Liverpool last Saturday, have no real issues with it and I am loving it. My only problem, and it isn't really one, is that the in built satnav is CD Version V02.58.31 and last Saturday I spent several hours driving (or being directed to) roads that either don't exist or have been replaced with the M6 toll road. I had a lovely (if not over-long) drive home to Biggin Hill as a result. Is there an easy way to update my CD version without having to change the hardware?? Any help would be appreciated. I have been told that this is no longer supported, due to the "facelift models" from 2002 which now use DVD's. Thanks :)
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