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harpersimon last won the day on May 28 2013

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  1. luckily, I did sort this out 6 years ago when it was an issue.. must unsubscribe to this post :-)
  2. did you only notice these missing spec items after buying it? (I have the same car - and its a base spec in the sport compared to others - but less to go wrong!)
  3. What model S is it?
  4. ABS Sensors need a clean / some attention I exepct
  5. Just never.. ever.. return :D
  6. You've ignored the first rule of grown up motoring.. NEVER, go to Halfords. For anything. p.s. had the same with my wiper arm when I got the car - simply removed, and bent it back using care until I got bonnet clearance back! -
  7. either or - there are plenty of people doing kits for a variety of prices - http://www.adamesh.co.uk/jaguar-s-type-mesh-grille---coloured-surround-1999---2004-models-50-p.asp or you can buy the mesh and do it yourself if you are reasonably creative and ok with tools. Hardest part is cutting the existing grille 'struts' out
  8. Can't be that no one has taken the rear boot lock/button apart before- its a common failure - but I do find this forum slow - days between any new posts and doesn't seem like a lot of discussion
  9. update - I've fixed this issue - removed and inspected the boot lock and all was working just not working well enough. 12 quid replacement rear lock assy and solenoid and its all back to working condition not. Can't believe no replies!? this is a sllooooooww forum..
  10. Hello today, having all been working just fine - all the electronic ways to open the boot stopped working. i.e. the boot lid button, the fob button and the dash button - manually using the key works When I am standing next to the boot, and press either the fob button or the boot button - I do hear a very faint 'click' like something is trying to work, but the boot doesn't pop. Is there a single fuse that controls all these functions? (worth mentioning that all other fob functions work as they should) So, not the fob, not the battery in the fob, not either of the buttons themselves - more just that they've all stopped popping the boot lid. Thanks for any suggestions or shared experience
  11. Not sure.. I have a roller wheel to open and close them - manual always works :-)
  12. Most people's push bike costs more. Buy it ;)
  13. I Just popped the whole arm off. Very much easier to then see what one was doing ;)
  14. Hello chaps Sorry for the late reply - illness has taken over the house hold in 24hrs - thought I'd escaped but I'm now out of action and trying to keep anything in- without going into detail. Sunday wouldn't work this weekend anyway as I'm working overnight from Sunday for 3/4 days Looks like we'll need to rain check. If the rain stops. Sorry again.
  15. Saturday 13th - suits me fine Dave.. have you pm'd Steve?
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