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  1. Hi Trevor Thank you for your reply and the advice therein. I managed to remove the door card but was unable to release the lock no matter what I did withe the mechanism. The hammer and chisel method did not cross my mind so I gave in and took the car to Jaguar Exeter who did use this method and charged me £650 Thanks a gain Trevor I wished you had spotted my posting sooner before I was forced to seek help from the Jaguar main dealer. Cheers Neil
  2. Hi Andy I have removed the door card but all cables and links are in good working condition. However I had to revert to going to the main dealer which resulted in a bill of £650 an expensive way to open a door. Regards Neil
  3. I have a S Type September 2000 and have had lots of door locking problems but now I have the nearside rear door permanently locked which means I can not get it through a MOT I have tried disconnecting the power on and off and vigorously operating the door handles but the door remains locked. Has any one got any ideas on how to open this door Please Help Neil
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