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Dirty hari

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  1. Hi Trevor, Only some slight niggles like the reverse/dip mirror has a mind of its own and sometimes shows me the sky instead of the curb Engine needs to idle for 4/5 seconds before I pull away or it stalls, oh and the glove box lock barrel flew out and dropped on the floor the other day which made me jump ha ha, but nothing apart from that..
  2. Hi all just thought I would would update the post...... Went ahead and bought the jag at the end of may, As luck would have it the best summer in years came along in the UK So plenty of time to have the top down.
  3. Thanks dave that's not a bad idea. The car does come with a 30 day warentee from the dealer which I am considering extending but I guess it wouldn't hurt for me to get the aa to give it the once over Thanks for your reply!!
  4. Any advice would be apreciated as I am hoping to sign on the dotted line at some point this weekend!!
  5. Hi my name is Jarrod and I am new to the forum. I am on the verge of buying a 2006 xk convertible and was wondering if any of you kind fellows would give me any tips on what to look for. The car is low mileage but has had quite a few owners (5 to be exact) in its short life which means either its a problem car or it has been a one summer car for its previous owners. Have looked into warrantees but they seem expensive and a lot of them don't seem to be worth the paper they are written on once you look into it and find out what they don't cover. Anyway any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance Jarrod.
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