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  1. Hi, I love my Jaguar X type but I am a driver not a mechanics, so I need some help please. Yesterday my water temperature gauge was fine and after driving for a short time it gave it's usual reading of approx half way between cold and hot. Today,...nothing! What should I check, or what may need changing? Thanks Paul
  2. Hi Geoff, You can imagine how my heart sank as I drove my X type home along faster roads as I listened to what I thought was wheel bearings! All I could do to combat this was turn the music up and pretend no problem existed. As soon as I could I had to pursue a solution; if it transpired that it was indeed wheel bearing well they would have to be changed, but I was suspicious because no matter how fast I drove the noise stayed pretty much the same. Thank goodness the solution was just tires! Regards Paul
  3. My brother in law is a body repair specialist and he says a complete bonnet respray would cost about £150. Better than replacing the bonnet surely! Regards Paul
  4. I recently purchased an X type on an 04 plate, mileage 126k miles in generally good condition. When I test drove the car everything seemed fine because I never reached more than 30mph. On the journey home as I passed 35mph a horrible (what I thought) wheel bearing noise started, but it never became any worse no matter how fast I drove! The following day I mentioned this to a local garage and they said it could be the tires, so I drove to them later and they said that in their opinion it was almost certainly the dreadful budget tires that the previous owner had fitted. With this in mind I asked them to fit 4xHancock 225-45-17's at a total cost of £365 fitted and balanced. Now it feels like a real Jaguar, sleek and quiet! Never fit budget tires it simply is not worth it.
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