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Everything posted by l3ddy

  1. Thank you for your reply
  2. Hello does anybody know where’s the best place to get replacement centre caps, the red ones with the older jaguar face not the newer version thanks in advance
  3. Thanks for the reply, I tried this before and it did work for a couple of times then stopped agaiN
  4. Has any body had any issues with the auto boot not working press the button on the fob or the rear of the car the boot lifts a tiny bit then stops have to open it manually, then when you want to shut the boot by pressing the close button nothing happens boot doesn’t move, and have to manually close boot, checked fuse in boot area not blown any help would be appreciated thanks
  5. Has any body had any issues with the auto boot not working press the button on the fob or the rear of the car the boot lifts a tiny bit then stops have to open it manually, then when you wanna shut the boot by pressing the close button nothing happens boot doesn’t move, and have to manually close boot, checked fuse in boot area not blown any help would be appreciated thanks
  6. Yeah it's been working all day Popped out to the shops it wasn't working Then just got in it now and it's back working fine
  7. My Bluetooth has stopped working in my xf there's just the phone at the bottom with the line through it and when I click the phone button on the screen it says no phone found and when I press the search button nothing happened I've turned my phone on and off and turned the Bluetooth on and off and still no good And when I search with my phone it says connection unsuccessful Any ideas? Thanks
  8. Thanks for both of your replies I opened the boot with the key and charged the battery that was flat, alls good at the moment and starting fine but I'll see how I get on Thanks
  9. I was wondering if somebody could help me I've come to get in my xf to go to work today and I cannot open the vehicle with the fob so I tried the spare fob still no joy, it seems as if I have a flat battery how do I go about getting into the vehicle to charge the battery up, I haven't had any issues with the vehicle being sluggish to start or anything like that it's just come out of the blue this morning Any help would be appreciated Thanks
  10. Cool what's the issue then wiring is it?
  11. did you ever get this sorted as im having the very same issue? thanks
  12. Maybe the window has come out the runners or the motors worn out , Mine wouldnt go up at all would only go down, turned out it was the window regulator, hope that helps
  13. Yeah if I get any more issues I'll take a butchers to see if I can see anything, but if you could replace the plug without removing the tank , why would they need to take the tank out
  14. Oh right what happens to the wiring does it burn out or something?
  15. Thanks for the info, mine is the same has been ok now for a couple of months (touch wood) would you mind asking them how much it costs to be repaired if they wouldn't mind telling you thanks
  16. Yeah to the last two comments it has gone ok now even when I fill up it still works fine ? Any ideas
  17. sorry about late reply been busy, but fault has fixed itself gauge has worked perfectly all week, very strange but i'll just keep a eye on it thanks for all your replies
  18. I am having a weird problem with my fuel gauge working fine then all of a sudden display goes empty and comes up fuel level low, this stays on for approx 10 minutes then as driving fuel guage comes back on but goes to completely full, Then will go off again and keeps coming back on, but now all of a sudden has starting working correctly again counting down the range and the fuel guage seems about right, has anybody else ever experienced anything like this, it is booked in at jaguar on friday but if its anything i can do my self and save some money then thats brilliant thank you in advance Ant
  19. Thanks for your advice I'll give it a try and I'll let you know how I get on
  20. Yeah the cars starts perfect and no issues with any other electrical part, ignore me with the keyholes i was on about access back into the car but I would just leave the boot open and re connect the battery, might be worth a try but saying that it did this before a couple of months ago and I did the reset and it's been fine until now ?
  21. I have thought of that but it seems ok it starts ok, but will it affect is there anything special you have to do being as there's no key holes etc? Ant
  22. Cheers for the reply trev, I've tried that and still no good, the window goes up to the top and goes down, then the switch doesn't work at all only down, it won't go up, then i leave the car for 5 minutes with the window down, go back to it and it goes straight up perfect? I have looked on other sites and some have suggested there is a software update for this so need to ring the dealers and see what they say and go from there Ant
  23. Hello I have a fault with my drivers window when I take it down it goes down ok but then when I take it up it goes halfway up but shoots back down again eventually going up like the anti trap system is working but as far as I can see there is nothing trapped, looked in the manual for the resetting of the windows it doesn't seem to work, what's the way to reset the windows or as anybody had this problem before Thanks ant
  24. Very nice yeah this is my first jag, very pleased with it, just enjoy the laid back, put it in drive and go attitude, must be old age creeping in
  25. Yeah that's good to hear, is it the only jag you got, or are the other two jags (if you don't mind me asking) Yeah would be a good place have to see if anyone else would be interested Ant
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