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  1. My '05 X-Type had suffered all the problems identified here; black smoke on acceleration, slight misfire getting worse, reduced fuel economy. The problems are all gone now - I have had the following work done; 1. Clean the EGR valve - reduced to about 40% opening at one end 2. New fuel pressure regulator valve fitted 3. Fitted 2 new diesel injectors 4. Fitted new Turbo Boost hose Drives as sweet as the day she was born - almost! Happy John
  2. Situation got worse after a long road trip to France. Had the EGR valve cleaned (extremely dirty, apparently only 40% opening one end), replaced the Fuel Pressure Regulator valve. Situation much improved but it still needs two new injectors. Had Terraclean last year and helped enormously.
  3. Wow, that's a nice improvement. My current average is the same 36 - 38mpg, I look forward to that kind of improvement.
  4. Hi Trevor, Can do, I will definitely give a more detailed report in a while.
  5. Well I have to say that having recently paid £90 to have my X-Type 2.0d Terraclean-ed (if that's a word) I am very happy with the results. My reason for having this done were twofold; 1. black smoke on acceleration - all but gone, still al slight amount but nothing like it was 2. Slight hesitation whilst cruising, ranging from almost unnoticeable to quite violent, no loss of power though - this has gone completely. This alone was worth the £90. Terraclean claims; improved mpg and pickup on acceleration. 1. improved mpg - jury still out but it appears to have improved a little. Only done about 150 miles, need at least a months driving to be sure. 2. Improved pickup - again jury still out, I "think" I feel a smoother acceleration but this could be psychosomatic. Not sure if I will ever know as I had no data on acceleration just prior to the cleaning process. That's all Folks
  6. Well I have to say that having recently paid £90 to have my X-Type 2.0d Terraclean-ed (if that's a word) I am very happy with the results. My reason for having this done were twofold; 1. black smoke on acceleration - all but gone, still al slight amount but nothing like it was 2. Slight hesitation whilst cruising, ranging from almost unnoticeable to quite violent, no loss of power though - this has gone completely. This alone was worth the £90. Terraclean claims; improved mpg and pickup on acceleration. 1. improved mpg - jury still out but it appears to have improved a little. Only done about 150 miles, need at least a months driving to be sure. 2. Improved pickup - again jury still out, I "think" I feel a smoother acceleration but this could be psychosomatic. Not sure if I will ever know as I had no data on acceleration just prior to the cleaning process. That's all Folks
  7. Hi Philip, do you mean an EGR Valve? I had the Terraclean process done a few days ago and it's much better. Good luck.
  8. See thread again, pressed wrong button half way through my report, sorry.
  9. Well I have to say that having recently paid £90 to have my X-Type 2.0d Terraclean-ed (if that's a word) I am very happy with the results. My reason for having this done were twofold; 1. black smoke on acceleration - all but gone, still al slight amount but nothing like it was 2. Slight hesitation whilst cruising, ranging from almost unnoticeable to quite violent, no loss of power though - this has gone completely. This alone was worth the £90. Terraclean claims; improved mpg and pickup on acceleration. 1. improved mpg - jury still out but it appears to have improved a little. Only done about 150 miles, need at least a months driving to be sure. 2. Improved pickup - again jury still out, I "think" I feel a smoother acceleration but this could be psychosomatic. Not sure if I will ever know as I had no data on acceleration just prior to the cleaning process. That's all Folks
  10. OK, thanks for that Steve.
  11. Good to know the AR6400-D works. I'm not getting too stressed about it until after tomorrow when it gets the Terraclean treatment. If I still have the problem I will start nosing around at other things.
  12. Hi Trevor, Thanks for the advice. I have not used the additive AR6400-D yet, I have decided to have the TerraClean treatment instead, tomorrow actually. I will post my thoughts in a few day's.
  13. Hi Dave, Thanks for the welcome. Would post a picky if I could work out how to.
  14. Will do!
  15. I have a 2005 X-Type 2.0d (Sport Premium) with 96k on the clock. I have noticed that it belches black smoke on accelerating quite hard but this goes after a few minutes driving. I also have a slight, I hesitate to use the word "misfire", hesitation in power when cruising, no loss of acceleration. Still pulls nicely. I am planning to use some AR6400-D additive. I have been sceptical about additives all my life and have avoided them but this does "claim" to help solve the very problems I am experiencing. I will post my results, assuming the engine does not blow up in which case I will be sitting in a corner crying. In the meantime has anyone else used this AR6400-D additive or have similar problems?
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