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jcford105 last won the day on September 30 2013

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  1. I've got a 9 year old 04 X Type 2.0d and it still looks like new when I meet people their forst comment is " oh you've come up in the world " and it's one of the cheapest cars I've owned and £140 a year road tax and I'm getting over 45 Mpg ...yep that what makes me smile
  2. Hello , good evening and welcome hope you enjoy the forum
  3. Thanks Trevor I think I drive around with a permanent smile on my face
  4. I had the same problem it was the clip on inter cooler pipe that was broke two jubilee clips and all fixed
  5. Great to hear I've got the same problem and I thought something was wrong ...I just keep in going in slowly
  6. I had the same problem a few weeks ago it got so bad I had to pull-up at the roadside ..I got a breakdown truck to get me home the take the car to their garage ... We talked about possibly EGR valve or worst scenario the turbo ... I got a phone call next day from the garage to say car was ready for collection ...the problem was a loose pipe on turbo cost for job was for2 jubilee clips £40 plus £60 for a 30 mile tow in the car now is running like new .
  7. Hi Ian I'm like you a new Jaguar owner and I'm like a cat with two tails... I can recommend Hillendale Jaguar Bolton. I'm booked in there for a service when I'm in the area at the end of October ....they have recently taken over the old Stratstone dealership and have a great reputation for customer service in their land rover dealership in Nelson .... John C
  8. Hi all I'm new to jags ,I have bought an X Type 2004 in radience red drives and looks like new ..... I'm a happy bunny
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