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About Caukhead

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  • UK/Ireland Location

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  1. Is there any way I can add an auxiliary feed into the radio??
  2. Is it possible to replace the air con pulley bearing and its clutch on the car?? Also is there a part number for a repair kit?
  3. Thanks for that phlilip
  4. What gearbox oil should I use in my 2.0 diesel ?? thanks
  5. Problem solved! Took the door panels off today to look at the speakers, the cause of the problem was there to see, the magnets on both speakers had fallen off and were in the bottom of the door. Quick trip to eBay new speakers arrive Monday. Simple's
  6. Yes Steve, that's how I discovered the problem. Thanks anyway
  7. The rear door speakers on my 2005 x type don't work at all, has anyone have any suggestions as to a cause??
  8. Problem solved, it was the hose from the inter cooler split, runs a treat now
  9. I also forget to mention I have no engine codes showing
  10. Had a new starter motor fitted last month, since then there been a lack of power when accelerating, as if the turbos not working. It will cruse at 70 all day long and is returning 45 to gallon. Any ideas would be greatfuly received.
  11. When entering the code joc25 I'm told it is an invalid code
  12. All fixed! A friend of mine suggested vehicle wiring products on www.vehiclewiringproducts.co.uk. Pack of 10 water proof connector terminals at £1.80 delivered next day 10 minutes to solder in good as n ew!! In all a simple fix
  13. I've just found the connector plug on the loom has the two central wires are not connected . The terminals a naf. Does anyone know where I can get a new connector from please
  14. Can anybody help I'm fitting a DAB radio and I need an un-switched 12 volt supply, any ideas where I can tap in to please?
  15. Are the stickers still available, if so how?
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