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129c last won the day on December 31 2013

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  1. I fear you spent a little more than my measly £1500 Peter. :-)
  2. Slightly off topic but I got a Warrantywise 6 month cover with my 2001 S type sport. A coil pack failed and they were only willing to pay £40 for the repair including the part itself. It was number one cylinder as well! If I buy from a dealer again I will ask them to remove the price of the warranty because its usually worthless.
  3. Thanks Trevor. First thing I need to do is get that under tray off. All the bolts nicely seized up as expected!
  4. There are loads of S types of that age cheaper than £2000 Josh. Watch the auto box carefully! Watch for clunks when selecting drive or reverse or just slipping in general. Look at all the spares or repairs early S types available on eBay. Its nearly always the gearbox!
  5. How awkward is this job going to be please? Are there any how to guides available that anyone knows of?
  6. I used 1500 to do mine and they were terrible. Use lots of water and watch all the white muck pour off. You will be amazed!
  7. Get the wet and dry out. Dont worry, you wont scratch them.
  8. Toothpaste works very similar to T Cut. I tried it and it sadly did nothing.
  9. How soon are you planning to do this job mate? I dont think i'm too far from you and i would very much like to see this being done as its going to need doing on mine sooner or later and i'm not looking forward to it!. Maybe i could watch/help?
  10. When i got my car, all four headlights were so cloudy it would never be safe to use in the dark let alone pass any MOT. I did this...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wo6KnlZnFAw It actually works really well. T cut will have no effect on cloudy headlights because that is the first thing i tried. I wish i had taken before and after pics because mine were really bad to the point i almost changed them altogether.
  11. I had to sign up again. I did originally do a couple of how to threads on the S type page but sadly i deleted all the pictures after i had uploaded them here so i am unable to do them again. :-(
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