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White Wing

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Everything posted by White Wing

  1. Definitely a good start Trevor! If that does not help Tony then I would check the calipers. Problem these days is jag dealers are so expensive with servicing and repairs it's prohibitive for some of us to use them so we do our own repairs, or at worse some don't. This is where the service history is important but even that does not guarantee no problems. Brakes are important but can be neglected. John.
  2. Hi guys, My handbrake problem is now sorted. Problems were - seized calipers both sides! owner had disconnected cables! Brake module U/S - not sure if this was damaged due to seized calipers. A good service of the calipers and a second hand module sorted the problem. I have now moved on to the ABS fault. It originally reported rear ABS sensor faults so I purchased a replacement that did nothing to cure the problem. Switched the sensor to the other wheel and no change - strange? I purchased a Mongoose to diagnose the problem. This showed no communication with the ABS module. I decided to buy a second hand module and give it a try. Initially all was good and then this one also came up with rear brake sensors and later lost communication with the Mongoose. I have read a common problem is with the ABS modules developing dry joints and leading to miss leading faults, ie, - the rear brake sensors failing. These faults are intermittent to begin with but get worse over time. At this point in time I am considering sending the ABS module away for repair but am also waiting to for a reply from the seller to see if he may have another one to try?
  3. Hi Tony, I have had my 2.7d about 7 weeks now and also had problems with the handbrake. I like to do my own servicing so have sorted my own problem out. If it is sticking on first my first checkI would be to remove the rear calipers and check they have not started to seize up. If they have you need to strip them down/ free them up and wind the pistons all the way back in before re fitting. Disconnect the battery if you are going to do the work yourself and then when you finally reconnect it and switch on you will be asked to calibrate the handbrake from the message centre. If someone has changed the rear brake pads without winding back the pistons this can cause problems. The previous owner of my car had this problem but he just disconnected the brake cables at the calipers and ignored the problem. This is one of many problems I have had to deal with since having the Jag. Hope this helps or at least gives you a pointer, it could be down to other things! best of luck! John.
  4. Looking forward now to getting that tape out of the clocks!
  5. Hi Peter I purchased one the other day but cant say I am too impressed with it. Most of the stuff on the disc can be downloaded for free.
  6. You will not believe what I have found today. When the sun was shining bright this morning upon the dash I noticed that the message centre was a different colour! Close inspection revealed black tape over the display! Some one has gone to a great deal of trouble to cover it up as the front dash has to come off, then clocks out and opened up, unbelievable! A quick message to the seller and he just says he did not know about it? I expect I will have some messages showing once the tape can be got off.
  7. Hi Peter, Found the file but still cannot see any reference to disabling/ re-setting the message centre? All it gives reference to is re-setting the service interval counter. John.
  8. Hi Peter, which file are you referring to ? I cant see anything on page 97?
  9. I have just checked to see if the message centre is working by opening the boot and starting the car. I have no messages! It is not working so any faults relating to the handbrake or anything else are not being displayed! Dont know if this is a genuine problem or wether some one has disabled it somewhere? John.
  10. Morniing Peter, I have just been out and disconnected and then reconnected the hand brake module - no change. I have noticed when switching on the ignition the Priority Indicator lamps do not come on? ( red & amber ) I would expect all the lamps to come on as a bulb test upon switching the ignition on. I have the engine runing when trying to operate the handbrake and battery voltage is at 14V so would not expect a voltage problem to be the cause unless poor connections along the looms somewhere. Regards, john.
  11. Hi Peter, The handbrake does not engage. No light comes on. Its as though its not connected at all but fuses are ok. I can hear a relay operate when i engage and disenge park position with the gearstick. I am not using the car on the road yet until I get the issue fixed. Regards, John.
  12. Hi Peter, I have the SE model. I have the button at the end of the indicator stalk but it does nothing. I have no messages in the message centre at all. The only digital display I have is the milage on the tacho display and the time on the speedo display. What warning light do you refer to? John.
  13. Hi Peter, Well thats something I have learned today! My only experience with diesels are my rover 75's and they dont have a throttle body. Thanks for putting me right there ;) John.
  14. Well I now have my S Type Jaguar and pleased so far. It has a few issues to sort out. 1st is the handbrake does not work at all - totally dead. Can anybody tell me if the trip computer is standard on all models as mine does not? Just wondering if there may be a link with the first fault? If anyone has any ideas please let me know, all help appreciated. :) John.
  15. Hi, sorry to ask this and sound like an idiot but I thought diesel cars did not have a throttle body? I thought they were controlled directly by the amount of fuel injected? I know petrol engines use a throttle body to control the airflow which in turn regulates the revs Please correct me if I am wrong?
  16. Hi Pete, I think it's all down to experience. Therefor you as the car owner in fact does know more than a recovery man who has to deal with a multitude of different cars! Through reading on this forum of course! I have read some where that the handbrake can be re-calibrated by depressing the footpedal so many times in sequence, but cant offer any more advice than that as I am a newcomer to the S Type. :D John.
  17. Thanks Peter. ;)
  18. Hi Peter, thanks very much for that info. Most of the cars I am looking at are around the 100k miles so will look out for that. I assume the belt change is a time consuming job. Do you have any idea of the cost if I need to get it done myself? Regards, John.
  19. Hi guys, I have been looking to buy a S Type diesel jag but I like to do my research first so have joined this forum hoping to get some advice prior to a purchase. Can any of you advise me on common problems to look out for ? Is high milage a problem with these engines? I have owned several Rover diesel 75's over the years and have got to know probably most of the problems associated with them but now I am looking for a change. I have owned a XJ40 Sovereign in the past which I loved but it was a little too thirsty on the fuel. I hope I have posted this request correctly as this is the first time I have done this. Thanks, John.
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