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captain Alan

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captain Alan last won the day on February 26 2018

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  1. Hi Rick, my xf 3.0ltr 2009 went into the dreaded red two weeks ago and I assume yours has gone into limp mode.I cleared mine by a hour and a half drive on the motorway, when I got home the car was still showing DPF full and still in limp mode but shut the car down completely ( double lock on the fob ) leave it for a couple of minutes and restart and it cleared.I do not do a great deal of miles so I steer clear of cheaper fuel and use bp ultimate or similar the extra mileage I get out weighs the price. Good luck Alan
  2. Hi, I have a 2009 prem lux 3ltr v6 diesel XF and it' a timing belt, Jag recommend having it changed at 105,000 miles ( had mine changed at 92,000 mls also you have a fuel pump belt at the rear of the V6 engine and it's a good idea to change that at the same time. No sure if the S has a different configuration but would of thought it was the same engine. Hope this helps and enjoy the car. Cheers Alan
  3. Hi Dave, I'm well thank you and hope alls good with yourself . I have just pulled back my boot lining in that area and I have the small rectangular hole cut into the boot lining where your cable protrudes but in the boot lid I have a small 5mm dia hole with nothing coming out of it ( obviously where you have the cable coming out ) looks like you have had an upgrade to the premium lux . I should blag it and tell Jag they forgot to fit the handle on it , whatever it is ? Sorry to hear you had a shunt and hope the damage is only to the car. All the best for now Dave ill be interested to find out what the cable is for. cheers Alan
  4. Hi Dave, I have two yellow pull knobs up inside of the boot lid to drop the back seats down, same model but 2009 one on the ns and one on the os these have a slight resistance to them when pulled. CheersAlan
  5. Hi Paul and welcome I purchased a 3 ltr diesel xf premium lux in 2014 it was a 2009 plate with 92000 miles on it and up to 98,000 miles I did have a few limp home modes (dpf full) and had to give it a good run to clear it. I was asked the question by an independent garage what diesel I was using and reported supermarket and was advised not to use it and of course I thought it was all very similar.Since 98,000 miles I have used BP ultimate full tank and the next two fill ups I use Texaco so every 3rd fill is BP the car has done 106,000 now with not one DPF problem ( hope I'm not tempting fate here ) for 8000 miles I believe fuel choice is important , shell v power is good also hope this helps Alan
  6. Hi , I dont have a usb connection on my 2009 xf prem lux and connect the phone ( samsung ) via Bluetooth which is faultless and automatically updates the phones contact list in the cars central display .Not sure if iPhones give you that freedom though . Cheers Alan
  7. Hi, 3.0 Ltr V6 Diesel , premium lux 237 bhp current mileage 106,000 mls Purchased Jan 2014 , 92,000 miles with full Jag service History . Had timing belt / Fuel pump belt changed at 95,000 mls ( Jag recommend change at 105,000 mls ) Main turbo control unit renewed at 98,000 miles and both air sensors ( £1000 in total at independent garage ) due to continual DPF problems .The DPF problem remained intermittent until 100,000 mls until I stopped using Supermarket diesel , I now use shell , Texaco and BP ultimate and have not had one DPF FULL notification come up for 6,000 miles and my driving habits have not changed . Did have a scuffing on the inside of both front Tyres but this was due to the tracking being out and with the state of our roads now I will get it checked more often. I love the car and enjoy driving it and gives good performance. All the best Alan
  8. Hi Mal , The Video can be found on You tube Cheers Alan
  9. Hi Peter , yes the better grade of fuel has made a marked difference to performance ( much more responsive when you put your foot down and mpg ) and eliminating the DPF problems , still give the car a good run regularly which is what it's all about . All the best Alan
  10. Hi , I have owned a 3 Ltr diesel xf for a couple of years now and have been down the problematic DPF road several times .After a forced regen of the system I have avoided poor grades of fuel and found BP and Texaco top grades have made the car far more responsive , they are a bit more expensive but that is all I use now and although I do mainly town miles I have not had a warning light regarding the DPF since , Winns cleaner does help initially but I have been told it's not advisable for prolonged use . Hope this is useful and enjoy the Jag
  11. Hi Terry , I don't think you would get much change from £1000.00 from main dealer , I could be wrong as I went to an independent garage maybe someone can quote a more accurate cost on here , or give your local Jag garage a ring. all the best Alan
  12. Hi Terry , I have the 3.0 ltr TD V6 2009 and have just had the belts done at 98,000 mls . Went to an independent garage and was informed that their are two timing belts fitted on the V6 one at the front of the engine and one on the rear ( Jag recommend a change at 105,000 miles.) regards Alan
  13. Hi Adrian , I have a 3ltr diesel xf and have just had my cam belts changed ( 2 one at front and one at rear of engine on the V6 so the garage informed me ) at 97000 miles .Jag recommend doing them at 105,000. cheers Alan
  14. Hi Amanda , On my 2009 Pre Lux providing you have the key fob in the car with you,if you press the middle Audio button (no ignition switched on ) next to and same as the ( apart from the fan logo ) air con fan button the audio will run without everything else starting up cd or radio but this will cut out after ten minutes to save the battery ,just press it again. hope this helps. cheers Alan
  15. Hi Roy, Thanks for that ,I must admit I did not realise the new law as it stands , that could turn out very expensive cheers Alan
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