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  1. i have a pretty horrid noise coming from down where the auxillery belt mainly on tickover i been told the problem is with the crankshaft pulley has anyone else suffered this problem
  2. Uttoxeter
  3. i have heard that before when i had the same problem on a rover 75 apparently you can hear a clicking sound on the working once where in west midlands are you pete ??
  4. when i use reverse all i hear is a long tone noise and not the beeping i would expect can anyone give me an idea as to what the problem could be
  5. i checked tyre pressures and for some reason they were at almost 50 psi so put let some air out and set them to correct pressure and the ride has improved no end
  6. cheers Trevor i have owned most cars but this is my first as a jag owner
  7. just bought myself a 2005 2.0 diesel se but someone has put on the sport wheels reason i mention this is i think the ride i,m getting is very hard i feel every bump in the road not sure if i have been spoilt in the past driving a 5 series BMW
  8. i just bought a 2005 2.0 diesel and mine is exactly the same lower screen dimmer than top one
  9. Just purchased my first ever jag an x type diesel 2005 after drivinf a 5 series i notice that the jag has a rather bumpy ride is this normal or have i been spoilt
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