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petextype last won the day on January 22 2014

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  1. I have asked for help within the X Type forum but no replies. Does anyone know of a replacement wheel nut set to replace these awful fragile ones fitted by Jaguar. Also I have a cracked wheel nut security key socket so I now cannot remove the locking wheel nuts. Jaguar no longer stock these so can it be repaired or replaced from another supplier.
  2. Hi all. Having recently replaced a broken front spring on my X Type, I had to spend hours getting those ridiculous wheel nuts off. Four had snapped despite being recently replaced and yes covered in copper grease. Furthermore the socket key to remove the locking wheel nut split. I feel having read similar gripes that Jaguar should have replaced these for free. I tried a 17mm, hot and cold etc etc but had to resort to hours of careful drilling and chiselling and this was before tackling the spring. Don't start me on the bottom strut pinch bolt. Rant over but my questions are is there a way to repair or replace the socket key (Jaguar no longer supply them) and is there a reliable replacement for the horrendous wheel nuts. Yours in anticipation and hoping I dont get a puncture.
  3. Thanks Mick I will get in touch.
  4. Hi all. Following on from my quest in locating a seconhand replacement front strut for my X Type 2003, 3.0 litre all wheel drive auto, I have decided to fit two new coil springs and not just one on the effected corner. I have unfortunately found from many reputable suppliers no distinction between the sport and SE spring. As I understand it one is softer and higher than the other. I believe I have found the correct part number as C2S15109 but would be grateful if anyone out there can confirm. Further more my chassis number ending in D82451 cannot be found on the Jaguar database. Any explanation would be appreciated.
  5. I appear to have a broken front offside spring. I am trying to locate a replacement second hand complete strut. However I am having difficulty in finding one. Its a 3.0 litre all wheel drive sport auto. Any suppliers details would be appreciated.
  6. Had some trouble a few months back where right side front and rear side light fuse kept blowing. It would be fine for weeks then blow again. Absolutely nothing obvious, bulbs replaced etc. Tonight both 7.5amp fuses have blown leaving no tail lights or front side lights. Strangely the number plate lights are ok. I am suspecting a faulty switch but would be grategul for any opinions.
  7. Yes the fuse amp is ok. I am going to try to get a further look at it between the rain tomorrow. If this fails an auto electrician it is.
  8. Hi. Its a 7.5 amp.
  9. Thanks Trevor. I have looked at the visible wiring for the front and rear sidelights and bulb holders and all look fine. I was wondering if this was a common problem elsewhere ie at a joint that someone may have come across before. The difficulty is its ok with a new fuse for a couple of days then ssuddenly goes. Think I will have to delve further.
  10. Sounds like you had a nightmare with them. Good to hear of the solution.
  11. I have experienced the same issues. I have drill and chiselled wheel nuts off with minimal if no damage to the alloys. But the best method is to hammer on a 17mm socket over the spinning wheel nut and undoing in the conventional way. Obviously the socket and wheel nut get ruined but its worth it in the long run.
  12. Hi all. I am trying to find why the fuse for the right hand side lights keeps fusing. It is number 68 in the fuse box inside the glove box. The difficulty is that it will not fuse straight away and usually lasts a couple of days before blowing. I've done the usual by checking the connections front and rear and put new bulbs in but to no avail. Any suggestions would be gratefully received, MOT is getting close and I am trying to avoid hours of delving into the wiring. Many thanks.
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